Friday, August 8, 2008

How its different the second time around

With Porter, he was dressed like a little man from day one. For his 1-week doctor's appointment, he was wearing pants, a shirt and shoes. Shoes for jeebus sake!

Hudson... well, I don't think he's ever had a pair of shoes on his feet. And outfits... can I tell you how many outfits (little polos and shorts and button up plaid little-man shirts and... oh cuteness!) fill his closet, unworn for the second time around. I just went through my 3-6 month tote of Porter's old clothes and hung them up in Hudson's closet. I put on a 0-3 month outfit my aunt bought him (Hudson), ripped teh tags off fearing it would be too small (and unworn) already. It fits, and it looks OH SO ADORABLE.

(I love this look from him... kind of a half smirk... its so him)

What the hell has my problem been? He looks so darn adorable in little-man clothes yet I just can't bear to see him looking like a mini-boy. I am afraid that if he's my last baby that I'll be so sad to let all that babyness pass by. (reminds me of a quote "your first child opens your eyes to the wonder of each new age, your last reminds you of its transience")

I'm on a mission. He's almost 3 months old (BAH! No. No! NO!) and I'm going to try to have him wear a new outfit every day before he outgrows them. He really does look so cute.


  1. Nicole, Hudson is so darn cute. I love his half smiles in these pictures. He really is looking more "grown-up" though. I see this in Bennett each day too. They start to get a personality and look more person like. I LOVE the quote you included, it choked me up a bit, as I know this is my last.

    I hear ya on the outfits though, I have soooo many clothes and I usually opt for the same 5 or 6 that are comfy (or at least look that way!).

  2. He looks so grown up dressed like that. :) Too adorable.

  3. He looks so cute & I love the outfit! He's growing so fast!

  4. OMG, that makes him look like a mini Porter! That's totally how I remember P as a baby!

    I'm all about dressing Callie I have to say but maybe that's because they are girl clothes and something different? I'm so into it that sometimes when I'm feeding her her night time bottle, I glance to her clothes and think about what she should wear the next day - HAHA Yeah, I'm a loser, what can you do.

  5. He is so cute! I love that smile, it just melts your heart.

  6. He is sooo fricken CUTE!! OMG, I just want to cuddle him up! Oh wait, I get to here pretty soon! :) Can't wait to have him around.

  7. he looks so much older than 3 months. and he is absolutely handsome!! so sweet.

  8. Oh my! He is such a doll! I cannot believe how big he looks.
    BTW, I love that quote.
