Sunday, September 7, 2008

Weekend? Where?

I feel like our weekend went by way too fast. I thought I'd go bullet-style, to keep it quick.

  • Our garage sale was a success. We sold an extra table/chairs we had, as well as all of the old bathroom stuff we gutted (vanity, medicine cabinet, toilet etc.). YAY! We made a decent amount of money, and plan to buy a new handle for our front screen door (its broken), and possibly a new doorknob/deadbolt for the front door (its gold/brass... deadbolt is missing and was replaced with a regular doorknob, so we technically have TWO doorknobs on the front door... queer.) Doesn't that sound like SUCH A FUN purchase? HAHA!

  • I'm excited for this weekend...
    ~Ryan is going to be out of town and Leslie and Reyna are staying with us. We plan to scrapbook, scrapbook, scrapbook whenever we can! (yeah right...with 3 kids under 2?)
    ~I'm planning a Cheeky Monkeys playdate (long overdue!) with my mommy-group friends.
    ~I bought chocolate chips and plan to bake cookies... yum!

  • Our bathroom is pretty much finished... I bought a new light (settled on something I don't necessarily love, but its decent and it fits). I bought a new brushed nickel garbage can today, and still need to find a toilet paper holder that isn't freaking $30 (well, Target has one but I don't really like it). And... still need something for the wall. I'm going to take pictures this week, though, and post them. Maybe tomorrow?

  • We finally moved into the year 2008 and have a dryer again! When we moved, our dryer decided to take a dump. It still worked, but it didn't heat. So, once we signed up with Consumers and got on the appliance plan, we had someone come out and take a look at it. She said it was something wrong with our electrical in the house. Great. (we've already come across a few wacky electrical issues... like the mudroom light that has no switch, or the basement outlet-that had our deep freezer plugged into it- that turned off when you turned off the basement lights). Anyhow, all summer I've been hanging our clothes on the clothesline. How GREEN of me, you say? Yeah, its been great (and I'm sure money-saving), but I'm sick of waiting for sunny days to do laundry, or waking up to a rainy day when I need to wash clothes. I am still hanging things out on the line, but the convenience of having a dryer is so nice.

  • Target has some awesome scrapbook supplies in the Dollar Spot. Check them out!

  • Porter is going to be Buzz Lightyear (the Disney costume, not the dorky fabric one from Target) for Halloween. I'm thinking Hudson might be Woody, but I do still have my super-cute homemade chicken costume and I'd love to re-use it. Hmm... maybe Hudson can be the chicken mascot from Al's Toy Barn in Toy Story 2? HAHA!
Alright.. that's it. I thought I had more, but I don't. I spent an hour trying to send out a flipping evite to the Cheeky Monkeys and now I have zero time to scrapbook tonight. Boo.

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