Saturday, November 15, 2008

5 Years=60 Months=260 Weeks = 1825 Days

In some sense I can't believe we've been married for 5 years but then in another, it almost feels like we've been married forever. I look back to our dating days and all our dreams and goals and hopes for the future and am amazed to see so many of them coming true. Here we are, 5 years later... blessed with 2 beautiful, healthy children, an abundance of friends and family that we adore, a home that we're in love with and in this economy- jobs that provide for us both financially and for our own being.

That's not to say that to get to this point we haven't hit our own share of rough patches. There have been a few sticks in the road, a few potholes here and there and even a nice demolition to get through. But, we've made it and we're still strong and in love and happily married and I can't wait to see what the rest of our lives have to hold for us.

I found our wedding vows in a Word Document on the computer a few months back. I/we (as in... I wrote and he edited/approved) wrote our entire ceremony and vows for our wedding. I was motivated to do this when I heard that my cousin, Amy (who passed away far too young at the age of 25) had done the same when she was married. She passed away the year before we were married and I felt like it was kind of an honor to do something the way she did it. Anyhow... I found our vows and thought I'd post them.

Today I give to you my unending love and devotion.
I promise to stand by your side as we face new experiences,
always growing together, honoring, respecting and
cherishing each other through everything life has in store for us.
I promise to remain faithful to you in good times and in bad,
and in times of sickness and in health.
You are my best friend, and I will love and respect you
with all I have to give and in the only way I know how-
completely and forever.

I love you, honey! Happy 5 years... and many more!


  1. Happy Anniversary to you both! I hope you have a great time in Novi this weekend! :)

  2. Awww! Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more!

  3. happy anniversary!!

  4. Beautiful vows! Happy Anniversary!

  5. What a cool thing to write your own vows. Happy Anniversary!!

  6. Happy Anniversary! It's my sister's as well. 11 years for them...

  7. Happy Anniversary Nicole! We just celebrated our fifth anniversary last month. I hope you are able to do something special without the kids. :)

  8. Those vows are awesome!!!!
    Happy 5th anniversary!!!!
