Sunday, April 26, 2009

Back in the saddle (hopefully for good now)

Running has always been an on/off sport for me. Well, except for my last summer after high school I ran 4 miles a day religiously. Then I went to MSU and joined the running team and got my ass kicked trying to run 5 miles after a month off. And I quit. And then I'd start up again for a few months and then fall back again. I typically start running in the spring, keep it up for most of the summer but then fall off the wagon by the fall time.

I've never been into extremely long distance running... a good 3-4 mile run is right up my alley. Just before I got pregnant with Hudson, LeeAnn and I made a goal to start running together. And then I got pregnant, lazy and freaked out about causing pregnancy complications (I know, totally not true... but I always freak in the beginning).

After I had Hudson I planned to start running asap. But then we ended up moving, twice, and having a huge house to fix up. I did manage to sign up and run in a 5k last fall with LeeAnn but I really failed at training for it and it kicked my butt. I really didn't stay on the wagon last fall and I think I ran once this winter (ironically, on a 2* day and my lungs felt like they were going to burst... big turn off).

A few weeks ago I decided I needed to cut out all of my excuses. The biggest one has been that I can't take both boys running with me if Ryan isn't home (which he is gone 2 nights a week, and sometimes works Saturdays). And, this summer I'll be home with the boys all summer and have no means to take them running. I had thought that we would have access to the track across the road... put Hudson in the single jogger and let Porter run/play/ride his bike. However, the track is always locked.

So... I decided to purchase a double jogging stroller. I found a pretty good deal on a used BOB duallie. And I am proud to say I've been sticking with running for the past few weeks. Ok, so its only been a few weeks but STILL! I'm getting excited to try to beat my times, work my way up to being able to run my entire route (so far I'm doing run/walk/run/walk... currently I'm running more than walking but I still take breaks).

Saturday I was itching to run. I didn't run on Friday so I really really wanted to go. This is a good thing... I want to become obsessed and addicted. I want to WANT to run. However, I had 3 kids. I decided to try to improvise and here's what I came up with....
Ghetto... yes. Did it work? Yes! We actually walked for quite awhile and then I had Porter hop on (like so in the picture) and I ran maybe a mile? All in all the walk/run was only a mile and a half. Puny, but at least I got out there!

This morning I went solo. I had a goal to beat my last solo run and I did! I actually beat it by a minute and a half. So, hopefully I can keep this up. Hopefully I can keep motivated, and I'm really looking forward to the day I can run my entire route WITH the 80lb stroller/kid combo!

In the meantime, I've been keeping a running blog and journaling for myself. I started it last fall when I was attempting to get ready for the 5k. I have also been using my Nike + with my iPod and I love how it tracks everything for me. I then plug it in and it uploads to Nike +. I usually sync it with Runner + though, and then can edit runs, add notes etc.


  1. Good for you! I LOVE my BOB duelie - seriously the best money I have ever spent! I am not much of a runner, but adore long power walks . . . how on earth am I going to do it with 3?! Keep up the good work!

  2. That is great! Good luck keeping it going! :)

  3. Well...I'd love to start walking this summer, like every morning. I just don't know if I can get into the whole running thing? I'll go in the summer with you if your interested for some morning walks. That stroller looks a lot like the one my mother-in-law gave me last summer, it's SO easy to push isn't it??

  4. I don't know how in the hell you walk with that thing much less run. I am very impressed becasue I would die after about 30 seconds :)
