Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Since Porter is starting soccer....

We're at it again... the ever-year-vehicle-switch. Drives me nuts!


Remember he just go the "Polar Bear" car not too long ago?

Well, he's finally driving in manly style.... *drumroll please!* in his new Quad-cab Dodge Ram.

We really are a truck-needing family. We're always borrowing Ry's dad's truck... needing to haul something, dump something, load something.... and with 2 kids, the quad cab is a must. I'm excited to take it camping this summer!

And it's about time Ryan got the 'new' vehicle... and not just the cheap ride.

However... its come at a price- we traded in the Pacifica.

And you're probably wondering exactly what I'm driving....

I swear on my life I would have NEVER thought. NEVER. But, I've joined the ranks of "soccer moms"!

A little piece of me died as I turned in the Pacifica... my last thread reminiscent of pre-motherhood. Of a time I was "cooler" than a mini-van.

And now I drive a mom-mobile.

I didn't think I'd take it as hard as I have. I kind of despise it right now. Kind of despise Ryan's truck. Tears were in my eyes as I unloaded my carseats from the Pacifica. But... I know its what is best for our family right now (both space wise and financially). And, its about time I did a little sacrificing for Ryan to drive a vehicle he loves.

Honestly, though, I'm kind of excited about my new ride... probably just because now I can cram a friend and 3 more kids in with me! As much as I cringe at how uncool my van is (Jesus H. did I just say "MY van?"), it really is quite convenient. And, I'm sure the embarrassment will fade in time and I'll grow to love my kid-cart.

*sigh* We're now a "typical suburbia family"... hubby has his man-truck, wife carts the 2.5 kids in the mini. (Ok, so "cool" suburbia families would have a truck and an suv.... but whateva!!)

I just hope this is the end of car swapping for awhile. I hope we stick with these vehicles for more than a year... or two. Right, Ry? Right???


  1. Thank GOODNESS I am not alone. We bought a minivan yesterday. *GASP* You are the first person I have admitted that to. I does make so much sense, but it does make me feel so surburban-Mom. Oy.

  2. I am sure you will love having more space!

  3. All the cool people drive mini vans. I have one. I hauled 8 girls around in it for a bacholorette party with pee-pee's drawn all over the windows. It's good for stuff like that.

  4. We seriously considered one when we were car-shopping a few months ago! And I hate to admit that, because I am sooo not a minivan person (having owned practically nothing but sports cars). But it just seemed so convenient. we didn't end up getting one, but I'm interested to see through your experiences if you end up liking yours!

  5. by the end of the week you'll probably be wondering why it took you so long to get a van~ ha ha! I fought my hubs on this for 2 years before I gave in and now I'm in *love* =)
