Sunday, May 17, 2009

The phone mystery is solved!

I've been pointed out by my husband that I'm slacking on my blog. He said he's all caught up with reading it so I need to get busy writing some more.

It HAS been since Thursday since I've blogged! Not sure what's up with that. I'm already drawing a blank on what's gone on this weekend.... Reason 418 that blogs are super-uber important. If I can't remember things 2 days later, how do I expect to remember things in 20 years?

Friday I felt like I was run over by a truck. Sore throat, stuffy head, draining sinuses. Went to the doctor, got 2 shots in my ass (given by a girl I went to high school with.... sweeet!), 2 prescriptions and voila. Took the boys with me... but didn't take the diaper bag into the appointment which of course lasted 5 times longer than I expected. I love how you wait for 25 minutes in the waiting room, another 10 in the exam room, see the doc for 10 minutes and then wait another 10 for the nurse to come back with your prescrip. Hudson was tired and hungry and cranky. I was on the verge of losing it.

Of course after that I needed to go to WalMart to pick up things for our afternoon BBQ/Playdate and get my scrips filled. Hudson was a fuss pot the entire time. Fun stuff.

We had friends over Friday night, but unfortunately our big outdoor BBQ got rained out. Luckily, we have a house large enough to cram everyone in and still have a great time!

Saturday I woke up feeling like I had been run over by a Mack Truck. Contemplated that I may have the Swine Flu? Figured, though, that my doc would have given me a call by now if I did. Whateva. The boys started coming down with runny noses... fun.

Had a session in the afternoon. Stopped by Meijer on the way home to pick up MORE supplies for a BBQ on Sunday. Also picked up the movie Bolt for a movie night with Porter.

Made brownies for Sunday's BBQ.

Watched Bolt. Porter loved it. He calls it Bote. Like... Boat. We kind of picked on him and tried to get him to enunciate the "L" sound. He ended up over enunciating it and saying it so slow. Hilarious.

This morning the boys were obviously not feeling hot. They slept in until a little past 8am. They're normally up by 7. We had a birthday party for my cousins daughter at 1:00 (she was born the day before Hudson!), and I knew the boys would be insane. I tried to get them to lay down early, but it wasn't working. So, we ditched the naps and headed to the b-day. They did pretty well, no melt downs.

We had to leave the birthday party early to head to our Neighborhood Block Party that I was helping host with our neighhbor Kathy. A few weeks ago we went door to door handing out invite flyers to everyone.... in the rain. We have 13 houses on our road and 8 houses showed up. One house (our next door neighbors Gary and Linda) were out of town this weekend. We missed them! Anyhow... we still had a pretty darn good turn out!

I'm really excited that we were able to pull this off. When we moved in, Kathy and her family had come over to introduce themselves. She mentioned we should have a neighborhood bbq sometime last summer so everyone could get to know eachother. We never got around to it but I held her to it this year! Although we already know our immediate neighbors (4 houses... 1 on each side and 2 behind us) pretty well, we wanted to get to know people down the road as well.

I designed the invite and Kathy offered to host it at her house. The weather was gorgeous today and everything turned out perfect! One neighbor brought down a photo album with pictures of our road from the 50's and 60's... when there were only 2 or 3 houses on the road. Another elderly neighbor who had lived on our street for nearly 40 years told stories about the houses, the construction and remodeling she'd seen etc. Turns out our house used to have a beauty parlour in it! The now-playroom was once a beauty parlour! Another neighbor recalls another homeowner using it as a parrot room LOL! We also laughed as we discussed our thoughts on living so near the high school. None of us mind, although we all brought up the same question... "What is that loud phone ringing we always hear... who's phone IS that?" Funny... everyone seemed to think it was someone else on the streets phone! I had thought it was the high school, but turns out its the gravel pit way down another road. Their phone is ridiculously loud in the summer and you can hear it as if someone has their ringer up really loud. Good thing we hashed that out or we'd all still be thinking it was the old lady down the road with her ringer too loud :)

It was so nice to get to know everyone and actually know who we're waving to as we drive down the street. There is another family down the road with kids and turns out we have a couple perfect aged groups of kids on the road. Porter has Eian, who lives behind us and is almost 3 as well as another little boy down the road who is almost 3 (Conner). Kennedi (Eian's sister) and Chloe, who are both 5, live in the 2 houses behind us. Connor has a sister, Scarlett, who is 4. How perfect that the 3 families on our road who have young kids all have kids who are really close in age?

The street party, bbq, potluck, whatever you want to call it, turned out amazing. We ate, chatted, played bocci ball, the kids ran around and all got along so well. I hope we're able to to this every year! We were a little bummed we decided to do it on a Sunday night as we all could have easily hung out and had a bonfire and let the evening roll on. One thing I'm bummed about is that I didn't take any pictures! Didn't even take my camera. WHA!?

But... its Sunday night and we're off to another week. I've been super busy trying to catch up on Hudson's 1st year scrapbook. I want to have it out as his birthday party on Saturday, and the pages are pretty few and far between from 6 months on. This week is sure to go by quick... soccer games, soccer practice, a school play and a birthday party. I'm sure it will fly by as quick as the past few weeks have!


  1. Your neighborhood party sounds like it turned out great! What a good turnout!

  2. What a great idea to hold a neighborhood BBQ like that! Looks like you had a lot of fun!
