Thursday, May 28, 2009

Soccer... getting to be fun

Last night Porter had his 3rd soccer game. The last one he didn't play at all. Practice was before the game (not idea, IMO) and by the time the game started he was done. Well, in his defense I had given him Tylenol with Codeine before the game to help with a cough/cold he had. Oops!

We were contemplating pulling him from soccer and getting our money back but decided it wouldn't be a great example to give him. We decided to just go to the games and put little to no pressure on him to play- but that he needed to wear his team shirt and sit and watch his teammates play.

Porter did great in practice, he was definitely acting more himself (although he did bring back the somersaults while he was waiting in line LOL!) nd he actually played in the game a little bit last night. He was able to kick the ball off to start (not sure what that's called??) and once he had control of the ball for a bit he was into it. However.... all good things come to an end, right? The second someone stole the ball from him he fell to the ground bawling. He just didn't understand that everyone is supposed to be able to kick the ball and that even if someone steals the ball he is supposed to go in and try to get it back. Made for some good laughs watching him go from huge smiles, running and having fun to a crumbling meltdown in a blink of an eye.

We celebrated with ice cream (and sprinkles!) and a trip to the park to feed the ducks with Lukas and LeeAnn. While eating ice cream we watched a pretty ridiculous show of "Jackson's Finest".... a large group of kids/teens/adults (all with I'm sure the same maturity level) scream and run around like yahoo's "scared" of the geese. At one point they were all (a couple kids and about 5 teens/adults, a few holding onto toddlers) standing on two picnic tables, screaming like idiots when the geese walked towards the tables. They then proceeded to take over the playground area and throw wood chips at the large family of geese. Ridiculous. We took the kids over towards the pond and quietly fed a small family of geese. I shot the Yahoo's a couple glares and notice them watching us feed the ducks who SURPRISE weren't lunging and charging at us like they were them.

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