Monday, June 8, 2009

No title tonight

  • Been busy with home "renovations"... as always.
    • Painted the entire basement (well, the finished area of it, not including my office).
    • Painted basement stairs (tedious!!).
    • Sanded, stained and poly'd our Duncan Phyfe dining room table.
    • Bought some new shrubs for the bare landscaping.
  • Had a garage sale last week and did great! Sold a ton of large items, lots of baby stuff out the door. A little moolah in our pockets to fund our upcoming vacation to Holland.
  • Porter had a birthday party to attend on Sunday for his little friend Ashley. He's actually only played with her once, but I'm hoping that we (as in, her mommy Rachel and I) can get together some more this summer!!
  • Attended a Bead for Life party at Jane's. LeeAnn and Lukas were there and thankfully we (along with Kristen and Jane's mom) were the only ones there as Lukas and Porter were rambunctious little heathens. I'm sure Kristen is a little nervous to see what she has in store with little Rhenner!!
  • Porter finally figured out how to pedal his bike! He's still not completely consistent on it, but he did manage to ride it over to the neighbors. He gets SO frustrated when the pedals get stuck in an awkward/hard to pedal position. He tends to get ticked off and then doesn't want anyone to help because he's so ticked. Temper, temper

  • Porter had his soccer team photos tonight. I didn't buy any of the pictures (figured... hell, I can set my kid up with his foot on a soccer ball with some trees behind him and take a picture!) so I snapped a few of the team picture for the scrapbook and called it a deal! Out of the 6 or so pictures I took, this is the best one (and sadly, I had to photoshop one persons head in from another pic!). No one looked happy haha! Porter, precious little angel, started bawling when I made him go up with the team for the picture. What kind of mother does that to her child?!?! LOL!
  • I am anxiously counting down the days... Two more days. Two more days... Two more days of work and I'm on summer break! Two more days and we head to Holland for the weekend with a. bunch. of. super. fun. friends. We're going to be a sight, that's for sure.... 7 kids under the age of 3! Three 3-year old boys, Two 2-year old girls and Two 1-year old boys. YIKES!


  1. oh wow, i didnt even count up all the kids.. 7 under 3 years old?!?! yikes! so neat that the older boys are the same age, and the girls are too. next year, Hudson will have to play with a few more younger ones. lol!

  2. Hudson is so cute with those sunglasses!
    Have a fun weekend!

  3. Cute pictures!! Have a good trip! :)

  4. When you first mentioned Holland I thought you meant you were going to HOLLAND Holland, as in the Netherlands, as in EUROPE! HAHA! I got all excited b/c I love to hear about European travels! Enjoy your last day of school!

  5. You've been busy! Love H in the sunglasses! too cute.

    Have fun camping this weekend!
