This weather is amazing right now. It's hard to not feel like its the end of May, when really its still the middle of march. We have had mid to high 70's all week and it is supposed to continue all next week with only a day or two of low chance of rain.
God- or Mother Nature- must have known this is just what this preggo needs right now. March and April are always so depressing to me because Michigan doesn't start getting green until the end of April. It's a loooong stretch of depressing rain and gloom to me.
Today I was wearing a skirt, tank top and flip flops. It probably wasnt THAT warm to everyone else but I am roasting all the time anymore. Im frustrated because I am so ambitious and motivated to do some sprig cleaning and organizing and house projects but I just don't have the energy. :-(
We spent another evening outside and I'm whooped. I'm actually soaking in a hot bath right now. My feet are killing me. The boys are bathed and I popped them some popcorn and they're watching Scooby Doo. I can hear the crickets and frogs out in the swamp and it's such a peaceful sound.
The yard is de-pooped. Ry fixed my sagging clothesline and I actually hung clothes out today. I am going to try to do this all week as well. I love hanging clothes out!
This morning we had quite a rude awakening. The boys and I were groggily waking up (they came in to snuggle with me after Ry left for work) and we could hear the school traffic outside. All of a sudden we heard a squeal and a crash and tires spinning.
I swear I thought someone had hit our house or wrecked in our front lawn. Well, close enough! A pickup truck had sped off the road and into the trees ad was gunning it in reverse! Luckily they stayed stuck because they would have hit a ton of cars passing by as well as school busses!
I called 911 and then went out to talk to a guy who had went up to talk to the driver of the truck. He told me he had to be high or drunk or messed up somehow because he could barely figure out how to open the door and denied wrecking!! The passerby said the driver literally stopped in traffic (mind you, we are on a road that leads to the high school and speed limit is 35) and then gunned it and swerved off the road into the trees. Thank GOD I hadn't taken Porter out to the bus, because all this happened at 7:30, when he is picked up, and it literally happened right across from our driveway- the bus stop. I usually take him to school M-Th and he rides the bus in the morn on Fri but today we slept in and I planned to take him at 8:15. Never ever will I let them stand out there alone. So so scary!
The boys were totally engrossed in the police cars, ambulance and tow truck that graced the street in front of our house this morning.
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