Over the weekend I met up with some of my girlfriends, one of which has given up Facebook for lent (gooo Nicki!!). I've been inspired by her ditching FB and thinking about cutting back myself. A lot of it stems from just plain missing blogging... missing the community and missing out on documenting little things about my life- thoughts, feelings, etc. I feel like I tend to jot down blips on FB and while lots of people feel like that is "documentation enough" (Is it, really? I mean, what if someday FB becomes obsolete... will your statuses from 10 years ago still be there?), I have noticed in the past few months my lack of blogging has been affected by my increased use of FB.
Remember last fall when I posted this shout out to bloggers to revive some blog connections? Well I failed miserably at doing that. I am going to try so hard to be a better commenter... and a better blogger of the little moments. I don't know that I can completely cut out FB, but I do think I'm going to attempt to share less on there and more on my blog. If someone really cares to know about my life they can come here and read, right?
So, here goes nothing! Let's see how the slow bandaid rip from Facebook goes. GAH!
Question for my readers: Have you tried quitting Facebook? Was it cold turkey or a slow pullback? How long did it last? Or... did you quit completely?
I think about quitting Facebook on a daily basis. The only reason is seeing new photos of nieces and nephews I dont live near and see as often as I wish. But, yeah... just about everyday. I think Goodbye Facebook!
ReplyDeleteI know I am addicted to it but I have no desire to do anything about it to change that. I know it's addictive and it's not a substitute for real relationships but in my case, I think it IS a good sub for real relationships. Most of my nursing school friends work nights so it's a good way to connect with them and see what they are up to. Lots of my friends/cousins live out of state and are busy so it's a nice way to keep updated on each other's kiddos and lives. That being said, I am counteracting my facebooking with making myself update my blog. In fact, after reading this post, I went and posted three new updates because I was motivated. :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck girl! I think Facebook has a time and a place in our lives.... I really do. It's all about balance!!!! Hard to do with something so readily available on our phone. Those obsessive compulsive people like me, check it far too often! I am enjoying the break for sure.
ReplyDeletei did for awhile... i think for a month? it was kind of nice. :) it's hard for me though to go on there and not feel like i have to 'catch up' with every single status update. when i went back on it, i just hid a whole bunch of people that i don't really need to hear from on a day-to-day basis. now i don't feel like i need to read everything and honestly i don't even know they are there. and i don't miss them (because how many of them are real friends?). it made it much more manageable and i spend way less time on there now than ever. i think that it's almost... well... anti-social? to not have a facebook profile these days... but as far as actually using it goes, i think for me maybe less is better.
ReplyDeleteI'm contemplating deleting mine as well. Mostly because I'm tired of all the negativity on it & the time wasted.
ReplyDeleteI've been blogging pretty consistently but still no one reads. I'd love to have that community back but I'm afraid with FB around it will never be the same. :(
I was able to stay off of FB more once they started some recent changes to the site because my posts were being erased. Why bother trying to post a status update 2 or 3 times just to have it erase when the page is refreshed??
ReplyDeleteHowever, I have friends that are on there constantly, share their pics, never Blog, were part of a message board that closed down & re-opened as a "Group", etc. So, to get a hold of them or find out what's going on in their lives...I normally check in on FB at least once or twice a day. There's a lot of pros & cons so I don't envy anyone's decision to quit or not.
I've actually avoided Facebook altogether and am grateful that I did! I miss out on some stuff, but I think it is totally worth it. I have so much more time and I've kept blogging (even after my third was just born). The little moments in life will be recorded and I know I'll be happy with that decision long term!
ReplyDeleteBack in October, our family did no tv, no computer ban for a week. What lead to this was my kids were constantly asking me to watch tv and I was always on facebook. It was so refreshing! We did a lot of fun things as a family at night because I had more time during the day to get caught up on things since I wasn't on the computer. We also read more. I'm feeling like we need to do it again soon. It's nice just to step back and re-set yourself. However, don't get me wrong, it took a lot of will power. Our computer never got turned on, I didn't even check my e-mail.
ReplyDeleteI deleted fb last fall for almost 3 months. It was a nice break and much easier than I anticipated. I did come back but don't check it near as often as I had been. Now I check it once a day or once every couple of days which I love!
ReplyDeletewhile i haven't taken a break from facebook ... and i don't know if i will or not ... i AM going to start blogging more. i'm going to make posting there a priority as i've totally slacked off for well over a year. thanks for the inspiration in that area ... again! i needed it! i read blogs in my reader daily, but need to get back to actually commenting and also posting to my own. i love blogging! facebook basically is and mostly always will be a time suck ... but it does serve it's purpose in my life. :)