Sunday, May 3, 2009

Handy Manny

I told Ryan I was going to brag about him on my blog.

"about time" says Ryan.

Ha. Ha. ha.

I am quite proud of my hubby and all his 'Handy Manny-ness'. He has done a GREAT job on our treehouse. Next weekend is shot for working on the house/yard, so I really wanted to spend as much time Saturday and Sunday working on the treehouse as possible. However, we were kicked out of our house Saturday from 9-1 while we had an exterminator come get rid of our caperenter ants. I kind of felt like the day was shot.

Enter awesomest hubby. He somehow talked his dad into helping him get this mond0-heavy-duty swing set arm up. (ok, so maybe there was a little guilting by me.... "Its for your grandson, Dave! Do you know how much it will mean to him?" HAHA!) They really exceeded my expectations too. Originally I wanted just an 8ft swing arm and they DOUBLED it. We now have room for 4 swing-type toys. Right now we have two.

And, they altered my "design" a little bit because I wasn't willing to part with my clothes line and we were nervous about the swing arm being too close to the clothes line. So, the swings are now off the back of the treehouse.

And THEN today he managed to get the posts in for the lower level slide deck and started framing that in. I'm hoping we can get that done slowly throughout this week. Not sure if that'll happen or not... Ry's kind of swamped with school and tomorrow night is Porter's "Meet the team" for soccer.

So, onto pictures. Lots of pictures from this weekend.

Two of my boys and "the project"...

Porter loves the swings. He was so excited about them. He's been bugging me for the past few weeks to swing in the blue dolphin swing we have. However, its too small for him and despite me telling him so, he continues to conjure up ways to get into it (sand bucket... dump truck... etc). The other swing we have is the baby/toddler swing and while he fits in it, it was attached to our big climber's swing arm, which is short, and just wasn't that thrilling of a ride for a 3 year old.

So NOW he has his own big-boy swing!

Hudson spent most of the weekend just hanging out, crawling around the driveway and yard, eating sand, playing with sticks, yadda yadda yadda. He got to swing a bit in the little swing, and other than that he hung out with Addisen on the blanket.
Dave brought over this 4-wheeler for Porter to play with around the yard. Don had picked it up on "Curbside Special" day in Dearborn and it needed a battery and a few other "alterations." Ry fixed it up and ooooh boy... Porter rode that thing around ALL day today. I wasn't sure he'd be able to steer/know how to steer, but he was all over, backing up, driving inbetween small spaces and parking it in the garage.

This weekend went by in a blink. I can't believe its MAY already! I can't believe my little itty bitty baby boy is turning ONE in less than 3 weeks! I'm hoping he learns to walk soon (ha! ) so that he can get around the yard in a little bit of a cleaner way than currently... crawling around the driveway and grass and dirt isn't doing so hot on the pants/knees/shoes.


  1. I love the picture of Porter on the swing with his face peeking out between his legs! I am picturing a scrapbook page with this BIG and front and center:)

  2. It would be nice if my hubby had a Handy Manny side! (or as Tiegan keeps saying... Handy Mandy)

    P.S. I agree with Jane :)
