Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First BirthDAY

Last night was Hudson's first night away from home, I believe. I couldn't believe how sad I was to not have the boys at home, not to mention how weird it was that they weren't in their rooms when I went to bed. I always check on them before bed and it felt strange for that part of my routine to be missing.

All day at work I was anxious for the day to be over so I could go pick the boys up. I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach as I drove to my sisters house. Man, I really missed them!

Ryan and I picked up a cake at Maggie Moo's for Hudson's first birthday. Ryan insisted that it was his FIRST birthday and he needed a cake today, even though he'll have his birthday party on Saturday.

We grilled out chicken and then let Hudson dive into his honkin piece of ice cream cake. He has a sweet tooth and of course loved it!

I also figured out why he's been so fussy and drooly lately.... he has THREE teeth popping through! I was brushing his teeth and noticed his 8th front tooth coming up (the bottoms have been uneven with only 3 teeth for awhile) and toward the back I'm assuming he's getting his 1 year molars. So, he's been cutting 3 teeth... guess that deserves a little fuss time, right?

Also... don't forget to put in some of your name ideas back on this post! I know of a few ladies who are going to need suggestions..... I posted my name ideas in the bottom of the post. They are just my opinions, so don't take offense if you don't like them! :)


  1. He made the cutest little birthday boy! Love his hat. The cake looks delish!!!

  2. mmmmm, that cake looks GOOD! He is so cute, I love his hat.

  3. That cake looks awesome! Happy Birthday Hudson! Seriously, time flies! He is so adorable and really looks like he enjoyed his cake!

  4. sooo cute!! I love the hat too! Glad you guys had your own family birhtday! Although that cake looks REALLY good!!! hahhahha!!

  5. He's so adorable!!!! And that cake looks delicious!

  6. Happy Birthday Hudson! Wow, that year went fast!

  7. Happy Birthday Hudson!! Seriously, how has it been a year?? He's such a cutie :)

  8. Awww so cute! Happy Birthday little guy!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday, Smiley Boy. Now that you're 1, we gotta start workin' on those legs so your Mama doesn't have to carry you all summer. Had a great time at your party yesterday!
