Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Hudson Riley!

I think every mom says this on her baby's first birthday... "HOW has it been a year already?" This past year has flown by. And the fact that Hudson is such an easygoing little guy has made the time go by even faster. It amazes me that he's hardly a baby anymore... he's on his way to being a toddler... a kid. Not my baby anymore!

I remember the day before I was induced I was a nervous wreck. I was unsure of what the new addition would do to our family, how we would adjust, how he would fit in. I can't believe I ever worried! Every fear, every worry, every concern... its out the window. And now I sit and wonder... how did we ever live without him?

I'm feeling slightly like a terrible mom today.... last night the boys stayed with my sister and on my way home I realized... I won't even get to greet my little sunshine on the morning of his first birthday! Someone get me the Mom of the Year award... HAHA! I did call him this morning and Heather said he grinned from ear to ear when he heard me talking to him. I can't wait to see him after work and spend the evening with my special Birthday Boy!

Hudson, you are such a special little boy. Your smile is so contagious and you are so amazingly sweet. I look at you and can hardly remember life before you. I am slowly watching this little boy unfold in front of my eyes.... you're growing so fast and learning so much every single day. I love how you talk constantly, even though we have no idea what you're saying. You're such a lover... you love to hug and snuggle. You are my weak spot... you've been a mama's boy from day one and you definitely have captured my heart. I am not sure if its your personality or the fact that right now you are my "baby", but you surely have my number! I tend to spoil you a bit more than I should, and baby you a bit more than I thought I would, but I'm enjoying every minute of it. And I'm sure you are too! Your birthday is so bittersweet to me. I can't wait to see the little boy you are turning into, but I want to hold onto the baby you once were.

Happy Birthday Bess, I love you!

From Mommy:
1. My name is Hudson, but you like to call me: Bess, Sunshine, Besser Boo

2. What day of the week was I born? Tuesday, just like your brother

3. What is your favorite memory of me?

4. If my life had a soundtrack, the theme song for my first year would be:

5. In 20 years, I will turn 21. What do you think I will be doing? I hope you will be in college,
making good choices :)

6. The silliest thing I do is: Sleep sitting up, but folded over in half.

7. What is your favorite picture of Hudson? An out of focus one I took in the playroom... your smile could light up a room.

8. What one word best describes me? Smiley

9. If I were a superhero, who would I be? Captain Rubberleggs

10. What do you love best about me? Your smile. Your big blue eyes. The way you lean your head on the kitty "ghee!" to snug on her. The way you get so excited when you hear Oma's voice. How you drive your trucks "tuck!" back and forth, making truck sounds. That you have been such an easy baby from Day 1.

From Daddy:
1. My name is Hudson, but you like to call me: BESS
2. What day of the week was I born? TUESDAY?
3. What is your favorite memory of me? TOO MANY / YOUR FIRST CRAWL
4. If my life had a soundtrack, the theme song for my first year would be: "NO HUDSON NO"
5. In 20 years, I will turn 21. What do you think I will be doing? GOING TO COLLEGE
6. The silliest thing I do is: SLEEP SITTING UP
7. What is your favorite picture of Hudson? WITH HIS BIG BRO PORTER
8. What one word best describes me? NEEDY
9. If I were a superhero, who would I be? IS THERE ONE THAT DOESN'T USE HIS LEGS?!?!?!
10. What do you love best about me? EVERYTHING


  1. Happy birthday, big boy!!!!!!!! Yay for being ONE!

  2. Have a happy day Hudson!
    Hope you all have fun celebrating that sweet little ONE YEAR OLD!!! (Crazy!)

  3. wow, i can't believe he's one either!! happy birthday to hudson!

  4. Time flies! Happy bday Hudson!! The mommy and daddy answers are cute :)
