Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Amelia at 1 month

How in the world has it been a month already since Miss Amelia made her entrance into our lives?  In a sense it seems like so long ago... that she's been here forever, but mostly it feels like I blinked and all of a sudden a month passed.  Its amazing how time does that.  I've been thinking of that quote lately.... 

Isn't it the truth?  You blink and a year has gone by.  How does that happen?  

So Miss Amelia at 1 Month:
  • JUST grew out of newborn diapers
  • Is wearing newborn, 0-3 and SOME 3 month clothes
  • Eats every 3 hours or so (but occasionally every 2, and sometimes sleeps longer and goes 4 or 5 hours)
  • Is eating between 2-4 ounces/feeding.  Usually right around 3.
  • Has definite fussy times during the day, typically in the evening.
  • Is very fussy when she needs to burp, and likewise will stop eating when she has to burp
  • She is a pretty good sleeper- she isn't too hard to get to sleep
  • Loves to be held and talked to
  • I'm pretty sure she has smiled an 'on purpose' smile at Ryan the other day.  She does the random smiles a lot, but there have been a few times he's talked to her and she grins.
  • Her eyes appear much more brownish than the deep grey that newborns typically have.  I am crossing my fingers she has dark hair/eyes like her daddy!
  • In the past week she has been staying awake a lot more often.  This makes me so sad.  This means she is no longer in that sleepy newborn stage.  And even though I got some great shots of her the week or two after she came home, I'm sad that I probably won't get anymore curly, fresh from the oven newborn pictures of her. 

1 comment:

  1. She is precious! You have beautiful children! I also understand about not wanting to shower...it's too much effort when you are taking care of three kids!
