Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Interview with Hudson @ 4 years old

How old are you now?  4

What was your favorite birthday present?  Uhm... I think the uhm... automoblox were my fraavortie. 

If you had $100, what would you buy?  Uhm... a hundred of automoblox. 

Who is your best friend?  I think Addisen

When you are big like Mommy and Daddy, what do you want to do for a job?     I don’t want any jobs.  (asked again) At a race car work.

What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? Play with you.

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?  Work

How do you help Mommy and Daddy?  I do train work.

What do you want to learn how to do? Build transformers

What is your favorite thing to do with our family? Work with you

Where is your favorite place to go?  Mc Donalds and Target to get a car. Okay? 

What is your favorite thing to play with your brother?  Go outside

What do you love most about your brother?  I like to play with him.

What do you like the least about your brother?   When he throws stuff at my new Gator McQueen car

What do you like to play at home?  I like to play the Wii

What do you like to play at school (Miss Marleen’s)?  Barbies

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?  I want to get Automoblox. 

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