Wednesday, October 24, 2012


H: (finding pennies under P's bed) "I know where all the pennies are coming from! From Boy Heaven!"

Me: "Oh yeah?"

H: "Yeah! Because God loves us! So he gives us all these little brown coins!"


"Don't bounce me super high or my cape is gonna make me fly all the way up north!"


H: "Mom, benember when...." 


Last week I went with Hudson on his class field trip to a local farm.  He was SO SO SO excited to ride the bus.  As I was buckling him into his carseat he asked "Are there seatbelts on the bus?"  I told him no.  He asked if there was a seat like his and I told him no, no carseat and no seatbelt.  He says, so shocked, "WHAT?!"  It was cute watching him walk up the bus stairs.  He was so cautious.   The farm was really cute.   We held baby pigs, saw the "worlds smallest pony" (really... he's supposed to be in the Guinness Book of World Records next year!