Wednesday, April 16, 2008

First Step:

To kick off my attempt at a new, more positive outlook, I dug up these cards that I got from church awhile back. AWHILE back... like, before Christmas. When they handed out this card I thought about how cool it'd be to take their vision a little further and start something on my blog using a scanned image of the card. To occasionally throw out what Weswinds called "ENCOURAGEMENT- thank someone for the gift of their oddities."

After today, I dug up that card and scanned it and I've decided that I will randomly and occasionally send out some encouragement and thanks to special people in my life. And maybe people who aren't so special, rather more random, but they've done something positive to influence my life.

Here is my first encouragement. To the most special people to me.


  1. Those are Awesome Nicole!
    I love them and it's such a neat idea. Things like that seem so small but can go a long way...

    Hope you guys all have a great weekend!

  2. I think that was really sweet of you, Nic....I'll talk to you later. Remember, set that date night up. :)

  3. Awesome! And very sweet. :)

  4. Living your life in a state of gratitude can completely change your outlook. Looks like this is a great first step.

    That being said, don't be so hard on yourself. You are who who are and that is why people love you. You should thank yourself and love YOUR oddities too :)

  5. These are so awesome Nicole! It's always good to focus on the little things that we take for granted each day.

  6. great idea - thanks for sharing them with us! :)

  7. Love this idea! I've been having a hard time not being envious of what other people have lately. Need to remember all the great things I have to be thankful for, so I bought a children's book that is awesome. I will try to post it soon.
