Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weekend of house hunting

We spent the weekend looking at houses. Fun, but frustrating. Its so different house hunting this time. We're more particular about the neighborhood not just the actual house. And we're weighing options with school districts because we're assuming we'll be in this next house for at least 5 years. (hoping that by that time we'll have the boys in school and not be paying daycare, and Ry will be out of school with a better job... and hopefully I'll have a full time position. All meaning... hopefully we'll be able to afford to upgrade houses again).

Anyhow... we are/were really hoping to find a larger home (1800-2000sq ft) that needs updating/minor remodeling. Things that we can cosmetically change on our own. You know... flooring... kitchen... bathrooms... etc. However, all the homes we've found in "desirable" neighborhoods, with the right square footage, are already remodeled and priced about $20-$30k too much for us.

We have found two homes that are in a great neighborhood, although they are right on the edge of that district we want (not in the school district), but it wouldn't be hard to just do school of choice.

We have one house we're really leaning toward, and we love the neighborhood. We'll basically be buying the bad house in a great neighborhood (most of the homes are brand new... this one is about 15 yrs old), but that's a good thing as we can update it and make it nicer and increase its value (especially once the market turns around... if it ever does!).

Its a foreclosure and so far we've only peeked in the windows, but we have a showing set up tomorrow to check it out from the inside. The carpet is trashed... totally stained. It needs paint and decorating. The back of the house is practically ALL windows. The master bedroom, living room and dining room. OHHH the photography light I'd have in this house.... :) On Saturday the neighbor behind it was out digging up dandelions with a little trowel out of his yard. Good sign. LOL!

The only downfall is that this house isn't quite as large as we were hoping to move into. The floorplan is much, much, much nicer than our current home, and that'll make a huge difference, and it will fit us great right now. I'm just nervous about outgrowing it too soon. Its only 3 bedrooms, and we were really wanting 4 bedrooms or at least a family room or den to use as an office/playroom. It has a 2 car garage and a full, unfinished basement which we've only seen one picture online of it so I'm interested to see it in person. I suppose if we keep the thought in our head that this is a "5 year home" then the square footage won't matter in the long run because the size of it right now should be perfect for us for the next 4-5 years. And at that point hopefully we'll be able to afford something larger/newer.

So... I guess I'll have more to update tomorrow after we see the house. I'm hoping we like it from the inside as much as we like it from the outside.


  1. Oooh, exciting! I can't wait to hear more about it! Which way are all those windows facing?
    I LOVE house hunting. Even more so when it's other people doing the hunting!!

    Good luck!

  2. Take pictures, take pictures! Maybe you'll get it cheap if it needs work.

  3. Gotta love a forclosure. Make the bank WORK WITH YOU!!:) Can't wait to hear if you like it or not!
