Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Carter Logan Murphy

My friend Missy (who doesn't have a blog... so I can't link you to her. Hmm... Carrie... do you think we should bug her to start a blog?) had her baby boy on Monday, July 7th. Carter Logan Murphy joins big sister Hailey. She's 6 and is going to be a little mother hen, I can already tell. Brian (dad) was telling me how he slept with Carter on the pull out couch at the hospital and Hailey said "WHAT! You slept with him on this couch? You could have SQUISHED him! He could have ROLLED OFF! Oh my gawsh!!!" HAHAHA!

I can't believe how much Hudson has grown in the past 7 weeks. He was even a pound smaller than Carter is (Carter weighed in at 8lbs 3oz). It makes me a bit sad to realize how quickly they grow.

After we met Mr. Carter, the boys and I met Katie and Nolan at Vermeulan's Furniture store to see if they still had the couch that we bought a few years back. We only have a couch and chair right now, and we'd like to buy a loveseat to fill in some bare space in the huge living room. (they don't have our fabric anymore... phooey!). I told Ryan the night before that I was going to attempt to take both boys furniture shopping. Not that I am chicken to take them places, but I knew that taking a 2 year old to a furniture store and actually being able to ponder and think about furniture and fabrics would be, ehh, slightly more fun than prying my eyeballs out with a nail file.

And I was right on target too. It was lunchtime, Porter was going buck wild and acting like a jackrabbit on speed. He was galloping here and there, dinking with lamps and attempting to climb over the back of the couches. I had never been so embarrassed by him in my life. He is normally so good in stores.

I think the kicker was when Katie and I were trying to talk to the sales lady about putting a piece of furniture with pattern on it in the living room... Porter laid down on the floor in front of us, started thrashing back and forth like a fish out of water and saying "Meoooowww! Meoooowww!" I about threw up, apologized a zillion times to the sales lady for how he was acting and fought back embarrassed tears in my eyes. GAH! Never ever again. Never.

Here is Nolan (left) and Hudson (right).... at least THEY were quiet.

**FYI... new banner... finally! And, I went ahead and made Lori and Katie new banners as well, so their blog designs might be updated soon.


  1. Hahaha!! He wasn't that bad! Believe me Donnie would have been doing the same darn thing....

    I love my new banner thanks-

    Congrats to Missy & Brian, what a little cutie!

  2. Thank you for giving me something to laugh out loud about today! I'm sure for you, the fits in the furniture store weren't a laughing matter, but it does make for a funny story.

  3. I don't know what it is about kids and furniture stores, but it turns the most mellow kids into monster...I know first hand!
    Love your new banner! Feel like making one for me...I have no idea how ;)
    The babies next to each other is too cute!

  4. I hate that you NEVER know how its gonna be until it actually happens! Just when you think, "Eh, He should behave fine", then thats when they turn on us! I just hope people understand thats just how 2 year olds are!
