Thursday, July 3, 2008

More from the mouth of P-Man

"He Queaker! He Queaker and I Goofball!" (referring to Hudson as Squeaker and himself as Goofball... Ry's nicknames for the boys)

"Mommy? What you doin' Mama Bama?"

"Aubri Daubri! You be careful bareful!" (at the park going down the slide)

"Where's Nina Dina? "

"Hey Papa Boppa... I go outside with you!"

"Yucky Bucky!"

"Ouchie Dowchie!"

I swear, this kid is a rhyming fool. I'm not sure he's quite normal LOL! He's all about made up words and talking silly with his rhymes.


  1. He is hilarious, my guy when he was 2 use to call gramma, mamma meema, grampa was bampa boompa and dad was handy dandy daddy. That would be great to see on video when and if you have time.

  2. By the way, love their nick names!
