Monday, October 20, 2008

Its Raining, It's pouring...

Let's see... we've had a pleasant weekend SO FAR... but here's the things that are BUMMER lately...

Ryan test drove a car this weekend (GRRR..... I swear he drives me crazy) and when I returned it (the dealership was closed) I left and locked my cell phone in the car. Of course I didn't realize this until I had dropped the keys into the after hours drop box.

Our dryer is on the fritz again. And of course I have lots of laundry to do.

The dog smells like a skunk. So does our mud room and garage. And our camper that is currently in the garage. NICE.

I'm sure there's more. I'm sure of it.

I'll do a positive list post later. I just needed to vent.

1 comment:

  1. Just look on the bright side...everyone seems really interested in this year's BWMRW Trip. ;)

    AND, with 20 members in the Group so far, IMHO, it just goes to show what an awesome idea it was for you to come up with and cool that you decided to share it with all of your fellow Bloggers!!
