Monday, October 27, 2008

Pass the popcorn!

It's always intriguing to stumble upon blog-drama in an unsuspecting way. I love reading Linda's blog- from All and Sundry (formerly Purple is a Fruit... where I got the funny Destination: Mars poem for my scrapbook page). She is sarcastic, witty, cusses in ways I wish I could cuss and is such a real person... she doesn't put on this facade that her life is perfect, that her kids are perfect etc. She's a blogger I aspire to be like.

Well, she posted this today and I followed the link to this post by TypeAlice. I'll post TypeAlice's post here:

So, I’m saying goodbye to yet another blogger who I’ve read for a long time because of parenting practices that I do not believe in. It kind of sounds lame, but when you are this passionate about not letting children Cry It Out, I just cannot keep reading someone who does it. I’d do the same thing for a spanking parent, a verbal abuser parent, an otherwise-abusive parent. I do believe letting your child cry (as a method of sleep training) is child abuse in the form of neglect. Just in case you’re new to this blog, I’ve discussed it at length here and here, and kind of here.

I’ve said goodbye to other favorite bloggers due to conflicting parenting choices (CIO to be specific), Frema, TheNewGirl, and a Flickr friend- Shondi (wife of the owner of Threadless), all who I mourned for a while and then got over. I hadn’t been following their lives for nearly as long as Linda’s, but I imagine I’ll get over it sooner than later- all I have to think about is her laying in bed with earplugs in as her son screams for her attention and goes ignored. See? Already I miss her a little less.

So, see ya.

And then I found TypeAlice's more recent post here... Its just entertaining to see how people react, how people take sides etc etc. If you're bored and like to watch drama from the sidelines, click around on the links in each of their posts and I'm sure you can entertain yourself for a few good hours.


  1. Thanks for the entertainment Nicole! I love it. I wish she wouldn't have closed the comments! I would have had a few things to say. It's very clear that she did it for attention, why else would she have publicly denounced this blog? If you don't like it, just unsubscribe, easy as that, right?

    Anyway, apparently I abuse my son. I let him CIO because it's the ONLY way he'll sleep. He would never sleep if I brought him into bed with me. He won't even let me rock him for god's sake. And she could argue that we are doing harm to our children, but why is it that my children can't get enough of me? All of my kids CIO and they are attached to my damn hip! They are secure in their lives, are loving, confident and smart. I guess that's abuse! To each her own I guess. I'm just glad I am not surrounded by anyone like that!

  2. That's pretty funny!
    I haven't read the links yet but plan to in a moment. It's pretty ridiculous that she has to tell the world she's not going to read so and so's blog any more. Why make a big deal out of it? If you don't like someone's blog, just don't read it. Good grief! ha ha ha Blog drama.........too freakin funny! Thanks for the reads!

  3. oh i'll have to go check it out! I love linda and didn't know she had another blog... thanks for the heads up!

  4. Ok, I feel the need to comment again because of course I've been reading this stuff for an hour! This chick thinks CIO means to let your child cry for over an hour to the point that the baby throws up. Never once have any of my kids ever cried for an hour, let alone more than 10 minutes. Not everyone wants to co-sleep, sleeping in a crib is not going to damage your child and letting them cry every once in a while isn't going to cause brain damage. Ughh, I am thoroughly annoyed now and I just need to stop reading! She is soooo closed minded! I'd hate to accidently meet her in real life!

  5. It took me like FOREVER to figure out what the hell CIO meant...Now I know....I can sleep better tonight! That lady is SOOOO rude...I would be so pissed. That lady that she was writing about seemed pretty nice and funny...Shit, I let both my kids CIO and it was a godsend....took like 3 days and then I could seriously lasy them in bed at bedtime and they would go right to sleep without a peep....hey Ima poet and didnt know it! That chic is an immature biz-otch! lol...oooh i am kinda gettin nasty, i like it :-)

  6. Yikes. That's like the junior high cafeteria of the blog-world.

    I can't imagine not reading a blog anymore based purely on difference in parenting style. Shoot, I read blogs that disagree with me on a lot more important issues that parenting styles.

    I'd read less blogs if that were the case. And fewer people would probably read mine, too.

  7. WOW!! This is nuts. Drama can be entertaining every once in a while. Lol.

  8. Wow read her new post today. That lady is CRAZY!

  9. I think Linda? is that her name? All and Sundry is hilarious. I really don't care what she posted about who, I'll still read it-she is very entertaining. It makes my blog look like a big pile of shit! Thanks for the link to her blog!

  10. huh. i have let go of some blogs i don't agree with but i'm not sure i would write a post with all the names in it. i read several blogs that i don't always agree with me and i have several readers who don't agree with me...but i love their republican ass's any way!
