Sunday, November 2, 2008

NaBloPoMo is was sneaky!!

I completely forgot about nablopomo (aka National Blog Posting Month for you newbies...) until Jenny posted yesterday.
What does that mean? Well, if you're up for the challenge it means you attempt to post every day for the month of November. A. Post. A. Day. Not really that hard, if you think about it. It just takes a little effort.

I'll be participating, and in the meantime... I'm going to start jotting down a list of blogging ideas in case I get stuck. Which I'm sure will happen.

Join in! If you didn't post yesterday, post twice today!


  1. I love it! I always enjoy a good challenge... and even though I have some travel in there, I'm going to try to do it!

  2. I am gonna try...I need to make up for yesterday!:)

  3. I was right!! Thanks so much for the confirmation. ;)

    I was going to write you and ask about it (because I wasn't sure if it's supposed to be in November or December) but, I don't like to bother you with questions.

    So, I decided to try last month and was just going to keep doing it for the rest of the year. ;P
