Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Are you ready?!?

I can't believe its Christmas Eve... yet in one sense I think... FINALLY!!

I am so so so excited for Santa to come tonight for Porter. I think this will be the first year that he really "gets" what is going on. Sure, last year he was excited about presents and Christmas morning was great, but this year he's been so involved in everything leading up to Christmas Day. We've been reading books about Jesus and the First Christmas and Santa and elves and reindeer and all sorts of books that are just prepping him to be so excited for tomorrow.

His one big wish was a harmonica, which I'm preeetty sure Santa is going to hook him up. And I am pretty sure Santa located one of these for the boys (for $25 on Craigslist, at that. Way to go, Santa!). I've tried planting a little seed in in P's head that "OOOH wouldn't it be so neat if Santa brought you a KITCHEN?!" LOL! So far, a kitchen isn't really on his list. Oh well.

I just can't wait.

Today Ry's dad, Lori and her fam are coming over to celebrate Christmas with them. We plan to go to Westwinds tonight, probably for the family fusion (they have 2 family focused fusions, and two candlelight/reflection fusions later.... although I LOVE the candlelight ones, I think we're goign to have to put those off until the boys are a bit older and can particpate as well). We're going to attempt to let the boys go to fusion with us but who knows... they may end up in the nursery.

Anyhow... must go dry my hair and get this house ready for some guests! Have a Merry Christmas! I'm sure I'll be updating soon with our festivities from tonight and tomorrow.