Monday, December 8, 2008


Well, we all ended up sick yesterday... Porter and Ryan laid down for a nap at 1:30, Ry woke up at 4:30 sick as a dog and unable to get off the toilet. I laid down for a nap at that point and woke up at 5:30 to Hudson bawling in the living room, Ryan nearly bawling in the bathroom and Porter was STILL sleeping.

I then began throwing up as well.

There was one point where I was in the fetal position over a waste paper basket in the kitchen, throwing my guts up, Ryan was in the bathroom upstairs, Hudson had woken up in the pack n play in the dining room and had thrown up all over himself and was crying but neither of us were able to go get him. Porter was feeling a little better at this point and was watching Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas for the 5th time that day.

Anyhow, we are all home from work today and 3 of the 4 of us are feeling a bazillion times better. One, in true male... errr Ryan... fashion is still in bed. Funny how he always manages to be WAAAY more sick than anyone else could ever possibly imagine being.

I've spent the morning washing blankets and pillow cases and finishing up laundry, washing toys and pacifiers and bottles and loading and unloading the dishwasher. Hopefully we'll be functioning normally by tomorrow!


  1. Hoping that you are all feeling better SOON! I just had one throw up this morning also...Tis the season.

  2. OMG that sounds like my worst nightmare. hope you all feel better soon!

  3. Oh No! That is Horrible!

    I'm glad that you are feeling better now!

  4. Oh my goodness. Luckily there has only been one instance where we were all puking our innards up. Once in a lifetime where the entire family is sick is plenty.

    Hope yall are on the mend.

  5. Oh that sucks! I'm glad you are all on the mend, at least it will be all over in time for Christmas. Don't you hate when men are always sicker then us, it happens here all the time. lol

  6. Yuck!
    Hope you're feeling better and able to get what you need done today... but that you get some rest too and have a nice relaxing day off to make up for your weekend!

  7. Oh no! That is terrible! Glad to hear you are feeling better today.

  8. I hope you are feeling better soon...I was in the same boat as you this weekend. Definitely not fun!

  9. That really makes for a sucky weekend. I sure hope you all feel better soon. :)

  10. Sounds like our Christmas day last year! Hope we don't have a repeat since it seems to be going around. Love the new look of the blog!!
