Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy #3!!

I know every mom says this same thing when their child celebrates a birthday.... " I can NOT believe they are XX years old!" And I'll say it again... I can NOT believe he is already 3 years old. It amazes me how fast time has flown by. Especially the past year and a half. I feel like just before I got pregnant with Hudson I thought he was SO old.... he was such a "big boy" and now here he is... almost a pre-schooler! How can it be?

I am so thankful for this little guy, even though some days he drives me absolutely crazy. He is such a clever and inquisitive and humorous kid and I love that about him. I'm so proud of his mind and heart, so proud that his little life is the one that made me a mommy.

He's had quite a "Birthday Weekend" rather than just a "birth-day". Today we're actually in Dundee at Splash Universe with Ry's dad, Lori, Don and the girls. Lucky bum, our trip fell on his birthday weekend. He woke up this morning and I had planned on making him Mickey Mouse pancakes but I forgot to make sure we had one key ingredient.... Bisquick. So, he settled for frozen waffles.

His actual party is tomorrow, and I'm so excited about it. I let him pick his theme from an online party website and he picked Mickey Mouse. So, I took that into consideration and went with a color themed party, centered around Mickey. Ry, Hudson and I are leaving early tomorrow and going home to deck out the house and get his cupcakes made. Ry's dad is taking Porter to Cabella's and then bringing him home for the party. I can't wait to surprise him with the decorations. He knows he's having a party, but really that's about it.

Since his party is tomorrow and we're out of town on his actual Day, we decided to let him open our gifts last night. We had a movie night with his new movie, Herbie, and ordered pizza and had an ice cream cake. His gifts are centered around the take-em-apart-put-em-back-together type. The Automoblox minis are a HIT. He loves them. He loves trading the tires and mixing and matching them. Definitely worth the cost. (I also ran across a great deal at Toys R Us last week... the C9 that retails for $38 was on clearance for $14!! Easter Bunny will be bringing that!). We got him the movie Herbie and also a take apart airplane/helicopter set similar to this.

I've always been terrible with making birthdays special for people.... I can remember to call or send an e-card (but RARELY a regular card and I'm so terrible with gifts if its not immediate family), but I am determined to make my kids' birthdays their special day. Now that Porter is starting to understand what birthdays are, its been so fun this year. All week he's been counting down the days to his birthday. He went grocery shopping with Ry on Thursday and was telling everyone he met that his birthday was in 2 days. Funny guy.

Happy Birthday, Poe! I love you dude.


  1. Happy Birthday Porter!

    You're right...he has grown up so fast! It seems like just yesterday that he was born.

  2. happy birthday porter! sounds like an awesome weekend. :)

  3. Happy Birthday to Porter! Ever since having Lexi I think that we should get gifts on the birthdays - it was OUR hard work afterall! Hope YOU had a great time too!

  4. Happy birthday little man! Can't wait to see pics from the party-- I'm sure you put something awesome together

  5. What a lucky little guy - sounds like he's having the time of his life this weekend. Happy Birthday!!

  6. Sounds like he is having a great weekend!

  7. Happy Birthday, Porter! Hope his party went well today. I am anxious to hear about your waterpark weekend.

  8. I hope he had a great birthday! Sounds like a fun-filled weekend! Can't wait to see pics of the party!

  9. Happy Birthday Porter! Was the deal on the C9 car at the store or on-line?

  10. Happy Birthday, Porter!! I can NOT believe he's 3 either :)

  11. Happy Birthday to the P-man! Sounds like you had a great weekend planned for him. What a lucky little guy!!
