Friday, March 20, 2009


Where do you clip your fingernails/toenails?

What do you do with the clippings? Do you let them fly and land wherever? Do you stock pile them and scoop them all into the garbage? Do you clip them over the toilet or sink or bathtub?

Just wanted to know... :)


  1. i clip my fingernails over the sink. i clip my toenails before i vacuum the bathroom floor so i can suck them up. i hate when they fly all over! my husband cuts his over the sink/tub. this is the most i have ever thought about this. :)

  2. I clip mine while sitting on a towel, collect them in a pile to throw them away, then shake out the towel over the garbage/ outside to get rid of any strays. But then again, I'm a little OCD and nail clippings gross me out :)

  3. I usually clip my fingernails over the sink. They are so fine that it's pointless trying to gather them for the garbage. I clip my toenails so rarely that I usually only do it when I'm about to sweep the bathroom floor anyway. I think Jason clips his over the toilet. LOL.
    What do YOU do? :)

  4. When I do the kids nails after their baths, I collect them and then throw them out. When I do my own...I either do the same thing on a towel on my bed or over my garbage.

  5. over the toilet or the garbage can. eeeewww. are you and ryan debating this?
