Sunday, July 12, 2009

Poor confused soul

My husband must be so confused! He must think we're entertaining our company in the laudry room this afternoon. I mean, that is the only explanation I have for why he is folding laundry in the basement while I'm frantically trying to get food ready, clean the house and get my makeup and hair done before company arrive in half an hour.  Poor guy....


  1. Ryan - she should be thanking you for being so thoughtful for folding laundry before guests arrive. I know that is going to be the first place that I check next time I get to your house.
    Stay strong!

  2. The laundry room was just lovely. I had such a good time in there admiring all the folded laundry.

  3. I'm new to your blog...

    but that is one of the funniest things I've read in a while!!
