Saturday, November 28, 2009

Emerald Isle Day 1

Our day started bright and early.... we left the house at 6am to travel to Dearborn to Lori and Don's. We left the van at their house and Lori and the girls dropped Porter and I off at the airport.

We checked in and made it to our gate just in time.... we were one of the last people boarding. WHEW! Porter was great... he really was so fun to travel with. I was nervous about taking the carseat on board the plane but it actually worked out perfectly. I had checked ahead of time to make sure my seat was FAA approved (it was) so I was pretty sure it would be ok on the plane I just wasn't sure about actually getting it on the plane and into the seat.

Porter acted as it was no different than us going on a long car trip. He sat in his seat, buckled up and no trouble the rest of the flight. Luckily we were next to a really nice woman named Susan who was from Florida. She was so sweet and just loved Porter. Porter and Susan had cute little conversations back and forth... he'd ask her questions and then they'd chit chat. It was sweet. Made me proud of my sweet little outgoing boy.

My iPhone, as I said before, was a lifesaver. The apps I have downloaded for Porter kept him occupied. He listed to some music for a bit (and cracked me up singing Coldplay HAHA!) and he read some books as well. As we got ready to land, he asked to hold my hand (which Miss Susan just thought was darling). He held both of my hands as we landed, although he didn't really seem scared.

Susan helped me out getting off the plane... she was so funny keeping an eye on Porter for me as I was trying to get the seat unbuckled. She was like "Where's my little guy? Porter, where are you?" LOL! We got off the plane and unfortunately didn't get to say bye to her as we were both late for our connecting flights.

Oh boy... the Charlotte airport.... I had to lug my camera bag (I took my Crumpler 7 million dollar home) as well as my purse/bag (with books/magazines), Porter, his backpack (he wore it), and the carseat. And we had like a 20 minute run to our next gate. My arms were dying and I was sweating by the time we got there.

We finally arrived in Jacksonville and Porter was so happy to see my mom. I, however, was a tad unhappy as our checked luggage didn't make it to our destination. Ticked me off that I had to pay $25 to check one bag and it didn't even arrive when we did. The did deliver it.... at 9pm that night. Ugh.

Once we got to my mom's, we headed straight for the ocean. Porter has been to the ocean one other time (when he was about 10 weeks old), so it was really like his first time seeing the ocean. My mom has a trailer in an oceanfront trailer park. SOO nice. We hopped in the golf cart and zipped up to the beach access.

Porter had so much fun... he ran and ran and jumped and rolled in the sand and splashed in the water. He was in heaven. Freedom!

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