Friday, November 20, 2009

Too Many Books!

Its no lie... we have a LOT of books. I remember counting them when we packed them up to move and we had over 300. That was almost a year and a half ago.... scary to say, I buy on average about 5 new books a month from the Scholastic book orders. Yeiks!

I like to have a variety, I like to have a lot of holiday books to set out. We have books in various locations of the house... the boys each have bookshelves in their rooms, we have a bookshelf in the playroom and a big basket in the livingroom. All full to the brim.

Books usually aren't an issue in the house... except Hudson keeps tossing them all off the shelves and covering the floor with them. And well, he doesn't quit get the "pick up the books" yet...

I'm not sure what to do. Will it pass? Is it just a stage, this bookshelf dumping? Should I pack away all the books and only put out a couple each day/week?

How do you control books in your house?


  1. We use the library instead of buying books and make a weekly trip to get 10 new ones. Ayla loves having the variety and I don't have to keep moving so many books back to the shelves. (plus it's cheap!)

  2. I usually buy them at garage sales, and them pass them on to other family members.

  3. Wow thats a lot of books! Kind of a secret addiction there.. like scrapbook paper, or fabric. LOL! I think we are maxed out on books at our house, at least for now. Although I too would love some new ones for Lukas. He loves to read 1-2 books every night before bed. But luckily he wants the same usual ones. He has his favorites. So I think thats one reason I tend to not buy a whole lot right now. But for now we have them all on his bookcase. Im hoping to get one of those Expedit shelves like you have in P's room, for books one day. Smaller boxes, rather than a long shelf make it less likely for the books to fall over and off the shelf. And just looks neater too. :)
