It has been a loooong time since I've gone out and just let loose... drank and danced and sang with wreckless abandon. Ok, maybe not really wreckless.... but just had FUN.... cast my cares away and goof off and act silly with the girls. LeeAnn and I had a little bit of fun at The Cottage over our Girls' Weekend but it was definitely time for more. LeeAnn invited a bunch of people up to Rum Runner's to celebrate her turning 30. Well, also a bunch of other friends (Jane and Jessica included) that have recently turned 30. This weekend turned out to be not so good with peoples schedules and only 4 of us were able to go. Luckily, Jessica's awesome hubby decided to tag along with us and be our DD. YES! It was funny... right when we got there and sat down in the piano bar, one of the pianists caught a glance of Ben with us and called out "Look at that dude over there... sitting at a table with like 6 chicks! What a stud!" So funny! :)
It was definitely a memorable night, that's for sure. I can't wait to do it again... and hopefully we won't have so much time inbetween these nights out!
Some of my favorite memories (Ladies... and Ben... feel free to add more in the comments!)
- Who's bra is that?!
- Jane doing handstands on the stairs, and falling in front of two guys when trying to jump 4 at a time.
- Closing down the place
- Did you just pee where I dumped my boob milk?!
- "Oh.... she ain't nothin'" -guy with no teeth
- "He pulled my hair! I just like girls... you know? I like girls... but I came here with my two cousins who like guys so I was dancin' with this guy and he pulled my hair so I called him a bitch!" -drunk girl in the bathroom
- Sexy Little Bridesmaids
- Bacon Popcorn
- Lemon Drop, Apple Vodka, Tequila, Lemon Drop. Yummmmmm
- Why are there no McDonald's open? Don't they know people want to eat at 3am?
- Jane doing cartwheels on the way to the car at 2am
- "Can I help you with something??"
- Getting hit in the eye by someone who shall remain nameless...ahem.
- LeeAnn and "Dick"
"Can I help you with something??"
ReplyDeleteYou getting hit in the eye by someone who shall remain nameless...ahem.
LeeAnn and "Dick"
SUCH an awesome night. It was so much fun and I can't wait to go again... this time without the tequila. ;)