I'm trying really hard to break out my camera for daily, mundane photos. Today I took quite a few pictures of Hudson... oddly he's the easy one to photograph right now.
I have to say, lately I've been so ridiculously addicted to shopping for the boys- Porter, in particular. I guess I'm transferring that desire to cutesy up a little girl into an obsession in styling my boys. Porter's preschool teacher has been cracking me up... everyday he's dropped off she says she pats him down to see the tags on his clothes to find out where they're from. She's dubbed him "slick" and the best dressed in the class. HAHA! I think that's hilarious. It all started one day last week when he wore a pair of ripped Gap jeans, a dress shirt and his hooded blazer jacket with his green Converse. Both the teacher and aide in the class were oohing and aahing over his clothes. I'm tempted to safety pin little notes to the tags in his jeans and shirts for them HAHA!
I can't help it... I love dressing him up, and to tell you the truth Porter loves these cute stylish clothes as well. He's into anything that looks "rocker" ish.... grungy, distressed jeans, anything with skulls or guitars on it, and the other day he insisted on wearing a tie to school with his "handsome" shirt (button up shirt) worn casual. He cracks me up.
And, oh my gosh, have you seen the Bleecker Collection at Gap? *love*.
Speaking of Porter... he's doing great with school. He's no longer crying when I drop him off and he's pretty proud of himself for that. He lets me know everyday "I didn't cry today! I felt like I wanted to, but I didn't!" God I love that kid! He's making friends and is pretty good at telling me about his day. He's gotten sick of hearing about my day, though, so we no longer swap day stories.
Lately I've been on a scrapbooking kick. No necessarily scrapbooking, but preparing for Scrap Weekend at the Cottage with my bestest girls. I can't wait to have 3 entire days to do nothing but laugh and scrap and bond with my ladies. Only 2 more weeks! This school year feels like its consumed me and I feel like I haven't been very good at keeping in touch with my girlies. A couple of us have gone back to work (Well, Katie and I back to school... Jane back after maternity leave) and it seems like life just got so much busier once September hit. It will be nice to have Girl-Only time.
OH! I have to share this project.... I found this awesome pinecone wreath on a blog last year and bookmarked it. I was at Target a few weeks ago and found little bags of pinecones in the $1 spot. Well, they were $2.50. So I bought the only 2 bags there were and began making my own pinecone wreath. Only... those pinecones only made it 1/2 way around. I have gone into so many stores looking for the perfect size pinecone and had no luck whatsoever. Then, one of my fabulous clients gave me a tip about a local place that has pinetrees that have those same sized pinecones. I finally stopped by there today and JACKPOT! They were the perfect size. I had Porter get out with me and we were both scurrying around loading up my reusable grocery bag with pinecones. They worked perfectly and I was able to finish my wreath tonight. I love how it looks!

I wish I could ship you some of my pinecones. I seriously have thousands in my yard! We pick them up....and pick up some more....and then some more! I love your wreath. I may have to use some of those pinecones of mine and make some wreaths!