[[Today I am thankful for slacker friends]]
I am way in over my head with this Master's class. I got behind last week with the Expo, my mom's visit and being sick. I'm in Week 3 (its an 8 week course) and I hit the wall today feeling like there was no way I could do it.
I talked to Katie, who is doing her Master's as well (although also in teaching, mine is concentrated in Reading). She is on a different course load as me but her class this semester has been pretty challenging as well. It was nice to be able to vent to someone who knows.
And then I got a hold of my friend Jessica, who is in my class as well. I was SO happy to hear she's such a slacker like me. We have 54 pages (of like 6pt font) of "The Ethics of Teaching" and I attempted to read, got to page 6 and fell asleep on the couch.
Jessica also informed me that I could file an extension for my teaching certificate renewal as long as I have 9 credits towards my 18 credits I need. WHEW! So, while I was planning on taking a class each semester, plus one or 2 in the summer, I think I'm going to only take 2 each summer and knock them out that way (as long as they're available in the summer). I have 6 years to complete my Master's (anyone know if you can get an extension on that?), so that means uhm.. I think 6 credits each year.
Life is crazy right now and I dread the next 6 years. Work, school, Master's classes, kids, house, friends, photography.... how will we ever have any more kids in this chaos?
There is always room and time for more kids - especially the cute ones you seem to make!