It was cold and rainy all. stinkin. weekend.
This was not good for our plans to put up 4' wood fencing around our yard. Ryan got about 5 of the post holes dug and posts concreted in, and he also purchased all the fence panels but was unable to get anything else done. Friday WAS beautiful, I can't complain about that. Only.... I spent the day... the only gorgeous day of the weekend... doing a garage sale at my sisters. I made a whopping $60 (ok, so its $60 more than I had before Friday and I didn't have any other plans but to sit around all day anyhow... which is what I did at the garage sale). I hate garage sales.
Today is sunny but very chilly. When will it warm up???
What else is new:
- Duncan got his hair lopped off on Friday. I was so ready for it to be trimmed and ultimately decided to let her go shorter with his hair so we could go a little longer in between haircuts. It had been 3 months since he was last groomed and that is TOO long. We're going to try 8 weeks this time. My word... I spend more on his hair than I do my own! $55 every 8 weeks??? GAH! I didn't' realize this when I decided to get a Goldendoodle. We love him though.
- Today started out just like a Monday... I backed into the trailer that Ryan parked in the driveway full of fence panels. I didn't see it on that side of the van and it is low so I didn't see it in the rearview. Jacked up my bumper... made a hole in it . GRR. Then the vending machine in the lounge was out of water AND pop. And then I found out that while I had been hopeful at the prospect of 2, possibly 3, positions being open at my school next year... it isn't so. Other people are filtering into those positions and its likely there aren't any openings at the other elementary schools either. The next few weeks I'm going to get resumes ready and do my annual "turn in your resume to every school around" event. Ugh. I'm thinking of applying out of town as well... I hate to do that because of gas and I'd hate to have to commute and cut into my time with my kids.
- I've decided to go back on Zoloft. Target Pharmacy is filling my scrip as I type I'm sure. While I've learned a lot of techniques to dealing with my stress/anxiety, I'm finding that the stressful things are piling up and I'm spending more time talking myself down from the stress and spending more time helping myself get through my anxiety than I am enjoying my life. I think for the time begin I need a little helper and hopefully once life is a little more stable... I'm not working 2 jobs etc... then I'll try ditching them again.
- There are only 4 weeks of school left.... this one being the only full week! I can't wait for summer. Stressed though as we're about $1200 short of having enough $$ to cover my checks throughout the summer. I'll be picking up a few extra photography jobs this summer and trying to stay away from stores as much as possible.
- Last week Porter started t-ball. He has 2 left hand mitts (so, for right hand throwing)... of course he's the opposite. He has practice tonight at 5 and I am not going to be able to get to the store to buy him a new mitt. Hope he can muster one last practice being backwards HAHA!
- Our second follow-up with Dr. Bloom and Porter's ultrasound (May 2nd) was pretty much inconclusive.... everything looks a-okay inside and he hasn't been having his "episodes" lately so as of now we're doing nothing. If things start acting up again Dr. Bloom said to call and make an appointment but for now he doesn't see the need to do anything else.
- During these trips to Mott's, I've really been enjoying my time with Porter. I need to make more one on one time for each of the boys. They are such special little people and its amazing how their true personalities shine when they are my main focus. These trips have also made me realize how incredibly lucky and blessed I am that we are only visiting Motts for a simple pee issue. We have seen so many young children... and babies... with so many battles they are facing. It makes me really count my blessings and be thankful that our visits here are for simple issues and that my children are healthy.
- 3rd Annual Mega Meet/Archiver's trip (May 6th) was great. This year it was me, Jane, LeeAnn, Jessica, Lori and Cristi that went. I didn't get many pages done at Archiver's but I did get some great new product. I was almost ready to back out of the the trip because of my crazy "missing my kids" feelings (oh, and Hudson also barfed Friday morning but we have a fabulous babysitter who said "GO! and I'll take care of it!" Bless you, Sam!). I'm glad I went.
- Easter... boy I never blogged Easter. Well, same as every year... we went to Lori and Don's, had dinner, egg hunt. Kids played, I napped for a bit, everyone else played Phase 10, took some pictures outside of the monkeys in bunny ears. Good times all around.
Sometimes we just need a little help to deal with stress and it's okay.
ReplyDeleteI get that "missing my kid" feeling too when I go do stuff. When people want to take him over night I miss him like crazy.