Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

  • I've been reading.  READING!  This summer I set a goal of 5 books by the end of the year.  5 books that were not requirements for grad class.  I'm so happy to have completed 4/5 for my goal!  I have read:

    Murderers Daughters
    The Beach Trees (ooh a little mystery)
    The Help (by far my favorite)
    Best Friends Forever (ehh... kind of a slow read)
    I also had started (and got partway through) Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks but found it pretty boring and predictable.  Ehh.  I skimmed the ending and shelfed it. 

    and right now I'm just starting I Don't Know How She Does It.  I want to to see the movie so I ordered the book from Amazon and just started it the other day.  It SO reminds me of my life... chaotic working-mom life.  AHHHH!  Except, she's attempting to make the store bought pies appear homemade?  I'd be the nut in the kitchen 'till 4am baking friggin' pies.  I cant' wait to get further into the book and to see the movie!
  • I dropped my Master's Class the day it started.  I knew that with the exhaustion of being pregnant in my first trimester I wouldn't be able to get anything done.  Not to mention September and October are CRAZY busy photograpy months and I already had a bazillion sessions scheduled.  So, I've re-registered for another class that starts the end of January.  That will get me my 9 credits to get an extension. 
  • We have started puppy training with Cooper at home (and a little refresher/solidifier for Duncan).  He's doing great at recognizing his name and the first little "session" he learned to sit.  The niblets of cheese had a lot to do with it, but he's a smart little guy.  He's starting to walk on his leash a little better rather than treat it like a venomous snake attached to his neck. 
  • The other night I was putting the boys to bed and thought "Oh my word... these kids act just like a couple drunk frat boys.  Hudson had to go pee and I walked back by the bathroom and saw him distracted, with a necklace of mine that was on the sink and he was trying to fit it over his head.  I thought to myself OMG i could totally see a drunk person doing that.... "I have to go pee.... OOOH pretty necklace!  I'll try to put it on.  Ooooh its not fitting on my head.  Errrr if I just tilt my head this way...."  HAHAHaH   There are so many spontaneous and wacky things my kids do that I can't do anything but shake my head at.  Little boys are like little drunk frat boys. 

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