Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Sorry my posts have been so boring. Thank you if you've stuck around this far LOL!

I had a half day of work today... left Porter at LeeAnn's to nap so I could get some things done around the house since he is often a punk with laying down for a nap at home and by the time I get him to bed I'm ready for a nap myself.

I was able to get a clients order sent in to the lab to be shipped to them, another clients order packaged and ready to ship, and an eBay purchase packaged and ready to ship.

Then I found a bill for my business credit card and realized the payment was due TODAY! I don't keep a balance on that (I pay it off every month, but use it to earn cash back) and luckily I had 1hr and 15 minutes to make the payment online or else I'd have been charged $39!

Then I realized how grossly behind I was on bookwork for my business... reconciling accounts, entering in purchases and deposits etc... boring stuff that takes up time and brain cells. So, I was able to get my business account all caught up too! YAY!

I want/need to make a list of things to get ready to take to the hospital when I have Hudson. With Porter I packed up everything but the kitchen sink and realized on our way home from the hospital that I used about 1% of the things I brought. So, I'm really not rushed to pack anything at all. I do want to make sure my camera batteries are charged and that I have a list of "must have" things to take (ie... cameras, laptop, outfit for Hudson, clothes for me to wear home, my bathroom stuff etc...)

I also have a few sewing projects I really need to get started on today.

AND we're supposed to go see some houses tonight. None are in "the perfect" area for us, but the houses seem to be what we're looking for. As far as the houses we looked at the other day... I've crossed off "T"... the insufficient house in the PERFECT neighborhood, although Ryan is still trying to sell me on it. Bathrooms and kitchen are too small. I don't want to bathe my kids scrunched between the wall and the toilet.

"H" house... however... I'm really, really growing to love. I'm picturing Thanksgiving this year.... with both of our families ALL TOGETHER in one home and on ONE DAY and it being just.... perfect (ok, other than having to cook for 15 people HAHA!). There is plenty of room for everyone. No, its not in the school district I *want* to live in... but sheesh... Porter is 2. By the time he's in kindergarten who knows where I'll be teaching... if I'm at my current school then I'll just do school of choice and take him to work with me. If not, well, he can spend a few years in the local district and maybe by then the market will have flipped and at that point we can sell and move out to my "desired" district. Or, maybe we'll just stick around there if we end up loving the house and send our kids to that school district. I've heard nothing but good things about it lately.

The thing is... houses in my current school/work district are more expensive for the size you get. Everyone at work has told me that... that you get a slightly smaller house for the same price as a slightly larger home in other areas. So, maybe in 5-7 years we can make money on the "H" house (because for its size, and condition and layout... and the price its listed at...we should make money on it in the long run!) and then afford to get a house that is the size we want in the district we want. I am not concerned with Porter starting school in one district and moving to another in 1st or 2nd grade. And, really, we still have the school of choice option as long as there is a way to get him to school each day.

Anyway... this is just a bunch of rambling. Journaling for my future reference, really. I need to get off here and keep moving on my "to do list" before I have to leave and pick Porter up.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't it feel great to get so much done in an afternoon? I always wonder what I did with all of my time before I had a child.
