Monday, July 28, 2008

Did I even stop to pee today?

I swear more days than not I finally take a 'potty break' after getting the boys in bed and think "Ahhhh.... Hey! Is this seriously the first time I've peed today?" What the hell.

I'll go bullet style today:
  • Ry stayed home from work today... played hookie. Ok, really he was having back issues and needed to go to the chiropractor. Probably from all that work I had him doing all weekend... poor guy!
  • Went grocery shopping. Yee haw!
  • Made Porter's butt paste (I highly recommend... it works wonders)
  • I think Porter has poison ivy on his stomach. Ryan made me rub the Benadryl cream in because he's highly allergic to poision ivy. Seriously... he gets it every summer and has it for months. And, Ryan + Prednisone steroids is not a pretty combo. I might be taking P in to the doctor tomorrow if the rash is still there/worse.
  • We thought Hudson had some sort of weird rash on his arm today. Then I thought...hmm... that looks kind of like a bite mark. I asked Porter if he bit his brother. "Yes I did (sounding more like "yeseye deeed!") and I asked where and he said "Right there on his arm." The red mark went away after a few hours. What the hell.
  • Yesterday we cleaned out the basement and organized the "family room" (a loose term... it has paneling walls and carpet thrown down... which all will be ripped out. Its kind of like just a smelly basement to me still...). I took a ton of toys out of the play room and moved them downstairs and set up Porter's play tent. He thinks its the coolest thing to have his toys down there. Sweet. We also sort of organized my office. My computer is still upstairs b/c I'm nervous about the humidity in the basement until we dry-lock the walls and get another humidifier down there. Its dry, but the air sometimes feels kind of humid. I have a table set up for my desk (my old office had a countertop and cabinets all installed... so I have zero furniture here... hence the need for $988 to buy an Ikea office LOL!
So, that's the gist of our day. I'm beat. I feel better now that I peed, though.


  1. OMG.....Nolan had a bite mark on his thigh & I asked Donnie if he did it, he said "yes", then I told him to say he was sorry & he REFUSED! What the hell? Ha!

  2. Ok, I feel like I was just on your blog yesterday and I come back to day and WHAM! Like 10 new posts! Girl, you are rock'n some work out and I thought I had motivation. You are surpassing the hurd by leaps and bounds. Slow it down! haha.

    All the pictures look great! Your kids, adorable. And adorable shots. Good job.

    I love how Porter told you the truth about biting Hudson. I love this stage, where they are too naive to lie about their naughtiness. We need to enjoy it:) haha....

  3. I put that butt paste recipe in my favorites. Thank you. I hope Porter's poison ivy goes away soon. No fun!

  4. We've never any of us had poison ivy. Yuck!
    Maybe I'm glad we didn't get outside more while we were there :)

    Hope Ry's back is feeling better... the closet turned out AWESOME!

  5. That is funny how Porter told you he bit Hudson!I LOVE Ikea! I think you should go for the whole office!:)
