Sunday, April 12, 2009


Easter weekend has been so so busy. We have barely been home. We've had a lot of fun with our family and at church but my word... I'm so glad to be home!

Saturday, we were up bright and early (albeit... late!) and went to the Detroit Zoo with Lori, Don and the girls and Dave. They have a "Bunnyville" thing they have at the zoo every year and this is the second year we've gone. The last time was when Porter was a teeny tiny baby. The last 2 years... its been snowy!

The zoo was fun, I guess. Admission was super cheap ($4/person) but honestly, I don't know if I'd care to do it again. The crowds are nuts... we didn't do any of the "Easter-y" type things because of the lines. So, basically we went, froze our asses off (although it did warm up at the end) and saw some animals. It'd be more fun/relaxing later in the summer :) However, the kids did have a lot of fun (I think it was more stress for the parents... err.. .me... than the kids!), and they didn't seem to mind the cold. I really enjoy doing fun things like this with the extended family... I love seeing the boys and their cousins do these fun things together.

Frozen sucky face. Poor babe...
Afterward, we went to Loris for a DELICIOUS dinner and an Easter egg hunt. The kids played and played and ate tons and tons of candy.

Today Porter woke me up saying "The Easter Bunny came and he make a big MESS!!" I asked him... "WHAT? He did what?" And he told me "He made a big MESS on your floor, mommy! I cleaned the candies up and flush them down the toilet!"

Oh dear...

See, the Easter Bunny leaves a trail of jelly beans from Porter (and next year... Hudson's) room down to their basket. Porter had eaten all his "favorite" colored jelly beans on Friday so we only had purple and red (Starburst) left.... which he must have decided weren't worth eating and tried flushing them down the toilet.

Porter got some treat-filled eggs with goldfish, raisins and a few jelly beans, a traditional chocolate bunny, stickers, a (big) red Automoblox car, Monster Mutt monster truck and a couple other little things. Hudson got his very own CAT bulldozer, a Donkey Kong monster truck and a few hot wheels cars.

We kept it pretty low key. The Easter Bunny left an empty basket with a note to Porter challenging him to find the (plastic) Easter eggs he hid. Porter enjoyed that as well as the egg hunt at Lori's and my mom's. We never did get around to dying eggs this year.... I boiled some eggs on Friday but we just haven't had time to dye them. Tonight just before bed, I let Porter draw on them with markers. Nothin' like a little procrastination, huh? Oh well... I don't think he minded.

We spent the day today at church and then at my mom's. Had a great lunch/dinner with mom, grandma (Oma), my brother and his girlfriend.


So... all in all... great weekend. I'm exhausted, though, and a little excited to get back to the same-ol-same-ol routine.


  1. Gues I wasnt included in that lunch/dinner huh. Wait....Do you even have a sister cuz you totally lefr me and the girls out lol.

  2. I love the marker idea for eggs! We did color eggs this year & the kids were bored with it....

  3. Looks like a lot of fun :)

  4. i love the matching shirts for the boys. so much more their style!
