Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cool Jackson Michigan History

Did you know it is thought that the Ritz Cracker originated in Jackson, MI.... originally called the "Jaxon Cracker" and then purchased by Nabisco.

Did you know that there used to be an entire amusement park in Vandercook, Lake? It was called Hague Park and had a ferris wheel, roller coaster, merry go round, steamboat and toboggan slide. It was destroyed in a fire in 1923. JDL has a gallery of parks on their website.

Downtown Michigan Ave used to be a mall called "Progress Place Mall". It was not a road.

This image is taken from the Hayes Hotel... I believe looking at the corner where the Jackson Coffee Co. is now?
And I think this picture is the Kesler Hardware building by Bucky Harris Park....
The Grand River used to be.... grand....
I think this building is now the Mechanic Street Lofts.

Here is an article about the history of our hospital.

The Jackson District Library has a great gallery of old photos of Jackson.

Jaxsonista has a lot of great old post cards on her flickr.


  1. Such a great post, Nic. I could look at this stuff forever.

  2. Pretty cool! ...and also a little depressing when compared to the way things are now. Hopefully things will turn around for Jackson.
