Not for marital issues. For educational issues.
Just got Ryan's statement for student loans. $23,000. Add that to my $55,000 in student loans and we're a whopping $80k in debt. WTF WTF WTF.
He's been going to school while we are married and have 2 kids.... we get nada for student aid help.
So basically, we're both educated, married adults destined to be broke FOR-EV-ER.
I think we need to get divorced so that I can go to school for my Masters. Because obviously the government only cares to help unmarried single mothers. Eff that.
We are in a similar boat. Two kids, I'm a stay-at-home-mom who has about two semesters worth of school to finish my BA. Although we only have one income and two wee-ones, hubby still makes "too much money" for any free financial aid. We live in the Cali (SF Bay Area), there is a huuuuge discrepency between what the feds think is a substantial income vs. the cost of living here in the Bay Area.