Thursday, August 26, 2010

Just like big brother

It appears that Hudson is attempting to follow in Porter's footsteps.  The past 2 days we've had a 2nd floor bathroom flood courtesty of Hudson THROWING cups full of water all around, resulting in about a 1/2 inch of water on the bathroom floor and leaking all the way down to the basement.  That's how I realized he was into the water... Porter and Aubri were playing in the playhouse and said "Hey mom!  It's raining down here!"

Then Hudson got into the laundry room where we keep extra toys.  He knocked down a bucket of building blocks into the cat litter.

And today... I was trying to finish up the kitchen floor and the boys were playing.  Porter went back outside to join Hudson in what I thought was the sandbox.  Porter gasped and said... "Uh oh, Mom.... Hudson got into the grout!"

He's got big shoes to fill, but so far he's doing a darn good job.


  1. OH BROTHER. haha! he is so cute ... hard to believe he'd make any messes. :)

  2. Hahaha! Oh boy! You sure you want more kids Nic?!? Hahaha! Well you can say that you going to definitely love reading all these stories later on. :) you do a great job of bloging it all down! I mean, it must not have you THAT made if you got out your camera... Right? Lol! :)
