Saturday, December 25, 2010

Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring
Except for an over exited mama who just played Santa and is probably more excited than the two kids sleeping down the hall.

I am loving this Christmas. Both of the boys are really into everything Christmassy and just eat up every bit of the magical part of Christmas. I know, I know, Jesus is the reason for the Season and we do emphasize that but I can't help but think.... They will only buy up this magical world of Christmas and Santa Claus until they are, what, 8? 9? Why not play up the magic while we can and when they figure it all out at that point the focus of Christmas can be more solely put on Jesus and not Santa. I feel kind of sad that Porter has what, 4 maybe 5, "magical" Christmases left. It makes me wish they could always believe in the magical world of Santa and flying reindeer and mischievous elves.

Santa is bringing each of the boys a DVD, a John Deere gator toy, a disc sled (green of course). Porter is getting a giant green nutcracker and Hudson is getting a shopping cart (Melissa and Doug). I hope they will be thrilled!

This evening we spent with Lori, Don and the girls and Ry's dad. Dave got each of our families a Wii for Christmas so the kids spent a lot of the evening playing Monster Jam and bowling. I barely took pictures... Oops!

Well, must get to sleep (if that's possible!). I can't wait for the boys to wake me in the morning!

Merry Christmas, all!

Sent from my iPhone

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