Friday, January 28, 2011

My Baaaaaby!

I was looking through old pictures tonight and found this one of Hudson.  He was 14 months old.  Look at his wispy, blonde hair!  His porcelain skin and his big blue eyes.  So so sweet!  The drool... awww!  And the sucky (I didn't realize we'd let him keep his sucky that long). And at the bottom you can see he's playing with an Automoblox.  Still one of his favorite toys! 

Oh my Hudson Bessie... I can't believe how much he's grown.  In my eyes he's still 14 months old.  How does time go by so quickly? 

1 comment:

  1. Aww, what a sweet pic! They definitely grow up too fast, dont't they? Are you guys going to have any more?
