Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day Jitters

Tomorrow (well, today) is the first time in my entire life since starting kindergarten that I am not returning to school.  I went through elementary school to junior high to high school to college and to my job at, you guessed it- a school.  I have always had a "first day of school" and it is weird not to be going back.   I'm kind of sad.  

Don't get me wrong... I'm excited and nervous and happy and anxious about being home with Amelia and Hudson and trying out this whole "work at home" thing.  If there is one thing I've realized in the past year is that they grow WAY too fast.  I'm going to try to slow down and savor every moment of Amelia being a baby and of Hudson's last year before full-time school.  

But... it is sad not to be returning to school, to a classroom of new faces and furthermore, to my OWN classroom.  That was my plan, but I'm quickly realizing that HIS plan isn't always the same as mine.  I'm going to embrace this change and see where it takes me.  Maybe I'll be home a year, maybe not.  Maybe photography won't work out and I'll go back to working in the schools next fall.  Maybe photography will be great and I'll love being my own boss, working from home with my babies around me.  Only time will tell.   

Tomorrow begins our new adventure... Porter will be in school full time, Hudson will have pre-school Tu-W-Th from 12-3 and Amelia will be my little sidekick.   Photography is taking off slowly.  After being "on maternity leave" since last December I feel like I'm starting over in a way.  I need to give it time and have faith.  I'm committed.  In the meantime, I'm keeping busy with crafty things to make a little extra money.  Making signs, sewing ruffle pants and making hair bows to sell on etsy/facebook.  It's working out.  God is providing and I know He will continue to.  

I feel awful for Porter.  The last 2 days he's been complaining about a sore throat and stuffy nose.  I'm not joking y'all... my kids haven't been sick in over a year.  OVER A YEAR.   And of course the night before the first day of school my little guy gets sick.  :(  I hope he's feeling better in the morning.  I want him to have a great first day of First Grade!!


  1. good luck!

    and, i know i've said it before but i would hire you in a second if we were closer! :) when we family vacation at the beach in michigan i'm totally going to pay for you to travel there and meet us!

  2. I only worked in the schools for six years before Ry was born and I stayed home, but that first fall when I wasn't going back to teach was VERY weird. I'm realizing this time of year kind of throws everyone for a loop- teachers, students, families, siblings- everyone! Adjusting to the new schedule and routine and expectations...it's wearing on everyone.
