Tuesday, September 4, 2012

He's a 1st grader!

If there is one thing I realized after this first morning of school it Is that there is no way in hell I am going back to working outside the house unless a) Ryan's work schedule changes and he is home in the morning to help with the morning hustle or b) we have enough mOney to hire a nanny to help get the kids ready for school, preschool and daycare. No effing way.

First off Porter woke up early and Ry let him watch White Collar while I slept. (yes, we are either training up our firstborn to be a future FBI agent or white collar criminal. Haha!).

Then my alarm went off to the tune of a harp. A harp. Who the hell wakes up to the sound of a harp? Not me. So yes of course I woke up a little later than I planned.

Then Amelia needed to eat while the boys did as well. Ever try to feed a baby and make toast? Ugh.

Last night I washed p's new shirts and put them in the dryer. For some reason they didn't dry all the way. Then I realized he really doesn't have any decent shorts. Jeans and a damp wrinkly shirt it is. Hey, it's at least new and "special" right? His shirt was PO big. Looked frumpy. I was being anal and made a fuss over it. I could kick myself of I made him feel insecure about it. :-(.

And as we went out to take pics and wait for the bus Amelia barfed all over me. Classic.

However, my boy was so brave. He was calm and collected even though his mama was a hot mess (literally... The humidity is ridiculous today!!). He assured his little brother he would play with him when he got home and told him to be good for mom. Hudson told porter to have a good day at school and to make good choices. Oh these kind of moments ache my mama heart.

My grandma as sable to come sit with H and A while I ran to the school to take a few pics of P in class. He is so confident and sure of himself at school. I am so proud of him.

And, just like that, I have a 1st grader. Where does time go?


  1. Haha- I hear ya on the crazy mornings... try TWO babies and TWO kids to get ready to get out the door with just two hands!! (and having to be at court myself + a baby at 8:30am some days!) As you know, my Ryan's never home to help in the mornings either, but he was actually out of town for five days when we started school this year... and I of course had stupidly agreed to having the second baby staying with us that same week. Don't quite know what I was thinking... it's pretty much a miracle my kids got on the bus on time!!
    Hope your mornings get smoother here on out... glad P loves 1st grade!!

  2. When I heard you were staying home this was the part I was the most jealous about. I DESPISE getting them out of the house in the morning and the 45 minutes after they get home and they've been holding their shit together all day and they unleash on me while I'm tired from working and trying to get dinner together. I HATE IT. I'm jealous of your new life!

    Porter looks cute in his outfit and I'm impressed that you got pictures at school. I snapped one picture on the porch before we left and that was it!

  3. Ugh I can't imagine 2 babies. EEEk. So far, the schedule is going great--- I'm just thankful I'm not having to get myself ready for work each morning and be there by 8:30/9, on top of getting 3 kids ready, out the door and dropped off at 3 different places. Noooo way.

  4. I swear, Bean, the mornings kill me. Or, killed me. That is THE WORST part of working outside the home.... getting kids ready as well as yourself and getting out the door on time. I guess if Ryan was home it wouldn't have been so terrible but it has always been just me home getting myself + kids ready and dropped off at designated locations. Hate it. Granted, that means now I'm stinky most days because I don't shower or what not, but at least I'm not losing my shit before 8am.
