Sunday, March 2, 2008


Ugh. Porter is still running a fever. Took a 30 minute nap and Ry took his temp temporally (the scanner thing on his forehead), got a 104* reading and was frantic running around the house saying his brain was going to fry and we needed to go to the ER stat! (ok, it wasn't that dramatic, but he was packing up and getting ready to go out the door before I even got upstairs).

P was burning up.. his chest and back were so hot. Logically, I wasn't about to go sit in the ER at Foote if it wasn't necessary. We were there for over 4 hours once last summer getting Ry's eye flushed out. So sitting there with a 2 year old if not necessary did not sound fun to me. I, being a little more rational than him, called the Foote After Hours care for our doctor's office and the nurse had me take his temp under the arm (I had tried earlier but P was acting like it was a shot and I didn't push trying to hold him down). I took his temp- 102.6 and then she said you had to add a degree, so he's running a 103.6* temp. Lovely.

Ry took him for a car ride to try to get him to sleep for a little bit and we're supposed to take his temp again in about 15 minutes. Hopefully the Motrin brought it down a little. She said if it breaks 104* to take him in. Ick.

Looks like one of us (probably me... even though I don't get paid sick days) will be taking off work tomorrow to take him in to the docs (as per the nurses request). He's had a dry, can't catch your breath cough all weekend and a fever since yesterday morning as far as we know (I rarely take his temp unless he FEELS like he's burning... so its possible he was running a temp on Fri too?)

The nurse kept asking if he had been around anyone with RSV or Bronchiolitis, which as far as I know he hasn't. Hopefully that isn't what his problem is.

So, wish us luck tonight... poor guy hasn't been sleeping well (well... even worse than his "normal as of late."


  1. Poor guy :(
    My little guy ran a fever from Thursday night to Saturday late morning. He's congested a little but worse at night. He's perked up a lot though.
    Hope your night isn't that bad and you get some sleep!

  2. Ugh. I can't imagine that with a 2 year old. I had it last week with an eight month old. The doctor made fun of me for taking her in there and asking if her brain was going to fry. I hope he's feeling better soon!

  3. Im sorry to hear that Porter isnt feeling well at all. I guess that little cough he started up, has turned into more. Were there any kids sick at his party? Although that might have been too long ago..

  4. I hope the P-man is feeling better soon! Very scary when they cannot just pop right up & tell you what is wrong.

  5. UGgh..poor guy...
    I hope he feels better soon!

  6. sorry porter is still feeling icky. i hope you get some sleep tonight and you don't have to brave the freak show that is our local er

  7. oh little man!! Get better. That is super scary! I hope it comes down. ck

  8. sending get well wishes to porter and that everyone gets plenty of rest.

  9. : ( I hope his fever comes down, and they are able to give you something at the dr's to help him get better. It is so hard to see your baby suffering!

  10. hope the little guy is doing much better. hopefully spring will be here soon, and the sick stuff we'll leave us! take care!
