Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tick Tock

Last year I did a post with a ton of awesome holiday/blog links.  I thought I'd share the link again this year!

I have a LOT to blog from this weekend but unfortunately I'm out of time today.

I want to share some recipes I used on Thanksgiving (I made HOMEMADE dinner rolls and they were DELICIOUS!).

I also have a couple TFT posts... one about Disney Princess movies and one about Marriage.

And I managed to get a couple decent pictures of my kids for Christmas cards (so what if half of them are majorly photo-shopped to combine to shitty pictures into one decent one??).

But, first I need to finish editing Katie's family session so she can order Christmas cards as well... and I also have a 300 word essay due at midnight.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was going to click on this post and find you saying you were hearing your clock ticking... as in time to try for baby #3!!!
